Saturday, February 6, 2010

Eating With People

One of my coworkers is amazing. One day at work he brought a large bag of trail mix, filled with peanuts, raisins, almonds, m&m's, and a few other assorted food items.  When I came into work I stopped by his cube and saw him snacking on the trail mix.  I grabbed a handful and went to my desk, and started working.  After a few minutes my coworker came over and we ate some Quaker Oats Oatmeal Squares and discussed the current happenings.

After a few minutes, my coworker went back to his cube.  Two hours later, it was time to go and I stopped by to say bye.  I glanced at the bag of trail mix, and it was completely empty.  I was surprised to see this, because it was a huge bag of trail mix.  It looked something like this:

It had 7,520 Calories

I asked my coworker, "Dang, how did you get rid of that so fast?" I was expecting him to say something like, "Oh, I threw some of it away." Or maybe "I gave some to the janitor, and he spilled it on the floor."  Instead, he replied with "I ate it."

At first I didn't believe him.  There was no way he had eaten that big of a bag of trial mix in as few as three hours!  I asked him again, and his beliefs held firm.  I checked the bag of trail mix.  47 servings at 160 calories per serving.  I did some quick mental math (on my cell phone), and realized he had just eaten over SEVEN THOUSAND calories.  7, 520 to be exact.  7,520 calories in three hours...while working.  That was impressive.  And as a side note, this guy was not fat.  He was very very skinny.  One of those guys that could eat three sticks of butter every night and have trouble keeping his weight above "skinny level."

So, he could eat a horse.  And he was coming over to my house. At least I don't have any horses for him to eat (that was a really bad joke). Despite the lack of mammary horses, there were some freshly baked cookies sitting out in a container (isn't that an oxymoron? sitting a container?) Anyways, they were sitting out.  And if you missed the story I told you before, this guy likes to eat.  As expected, he had started to eat the cookies.  He ate one, then two, then three.  Then he continued on to eat more and more cookies.

For some reason, I also started to eat like this guy.  I started eating many cookies, just like my coworker.  I had maybe 7 or 10 cookies, I can't remember.  I remember my Psychology teacher teaching us about how when you are with other people you eat a lot more.  Apparently, when you are with big eaters, you are more likely to eat similar to them (Side note: As I typed that sentence Jason Mraz said "You're putting too much food on my plate" in the song "Too Much Food."  What an odd coincidence.  Must be God's will).  So anyways, I ate more because my coworker ate more.  The End.

Some information from Better U INC.
Trail Mix picture from Sam's Club (best store EVER) at this URL.

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You got it?

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