Monday, September 28, 2009

Meaning of life.

So one night I was reading my AP Psych book, and it hit me.

Like a 250 MPH torrential outpour, it hit me.

Like a large tortoise moving at the speed of light, it hit me.

Like a best friend driving your car, it hit me.

It's sad, but true...

Actually my views haven't changed. For me, the meaning of life was to get into Heaven. Doesn't that sound pretty reasonable? Heaven is supposed to be the best place ever, so it makes sense that the point of life would be to get there, right?


So, I had to think: What is heaven?

Well, I thought a little bit. Actually I thought a lot.

Side note:
(((((Obviously, heaven is nothing we know of. These dreams of a white, pearly, amazing, fun, place are ridiculous. You think that heaven would be describable by English words? Hell no! Heaven cannot be described by anything. It passes beyond the realm of comprehension, nothing known to man is heaven. Same thing with religion in general, but that is getting beyond the point.)))))

To reach heaven is to become immortal. Passing on something, leaving something behind. Isn't that heaven? Aren't you technically still alive? If part of you, part of your essence, is left behind after you die, are you really dead?

Maybe the physical body that defined your essence is gone, but your impact stays the same.

A quick example: Oprah made that school in Africa. She put part of her essence, her soul if you will, into that school. The school will continue to affect people, and even after Oprah dies, children will still be affected by Oprah's essence (soul). Also, anyone that learned from her show is also keeping Oprah alive.

You don't need to be alive, or sense anything, or even have any idea whatsoever of what is happening, to be in heaven. The fact is, part of you is still alive. Your essence still lives on.

A bit radical? I think I would get excommunicated if Mr. Pope read this...

But really, I have science on my side. Back to the AP Psych book.

We behave the way we do for sex. Sex for kids. Kids to live, and continue living by our essence, our soul.

What is the best way to reach my "heaven" previously described? To ensure that part of you lives on after you die? To have a kid. Your child is literally made of you. Your code is determining who this kid is.

Animals know this. All animal (including human) behavior is to survive and mate, creating offspring to continue on the species. Why else in the world would eating and sex be so fun? To encourage us to do those things.

What I'm trying to say is that heaven is on earth, and is not controlled by some all-powerful god. You can reach heaven, in fact, you already have. You have already made an impact, and your essence will probably live on in some way.

It be a nice compliment you gave to a person, who felt good about it, and decided to compliment another person about their singing voice, who then gained confidence, and became a star, and when a little girl heard this person's music, they had a dream to become an actor, and blah blah blah.

Please someone prove me wrong. Like I said, it's sad. A little bit. No surreal dreams of life after death, at least not life that we know of.

The meaning of life is to survive and have kids, passing on a bit of yourself.

The meaning of life is to impact the world in some way, and leave something behind.

The meaning of life is to be happy, and enjoy life before you die.

The meaning of life is to discover your own meaning, and try to fulfill that before you die.

The meaning of life is not to live by what your parents tell you, and just fill in the "textbook" life. Be yourself.

Remember, the only two problems in this world are fear and laziness.

NOTE: This will replace my usual "Sunday Night Ramblings" considering that this is a ramble, and happened on Monday night. BUT

I would like to express my like of life. There, like expressed.

Above pic "heaven2" from my friends at

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Orbital Alignments Don't Mean Crap

NOTE: This is a direct response to this guy's post.

Orbital Alignments Don't Mean Crap, they Mean Much Much More.

Without orbital alignments, we would not exist. Atoms would not exist. There would be nothing. To say that orbital alignments mean crap would be blasphemy. God's creation, atoms, are dependent on the orbital alignments of electrons. To say that they are crap? That is insane. They determine the position of electrons around the nucleus. They help determine the atom's chemical properties. That determines everything. Carbon (life) would be completely messed up without orbital alignments.

If you are a genius, this is for you.

The following diagram should clear things up for you.

So you, black very very very very dark brown haired kid, I am glad you agree with me that "Orbital Alignments Don't Mean Crap."

I appreciate it.

"Pattern Drawing of Count-Down Timer"

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION HELP: For those who always have their entries "Done"

Alright people, I am here to help. Not as much a firefighter, but I can still help.

I recently talked with a few people about their AP Lang reading notebook posts, and decided I might be able to help. One guy said, "I basically summarize it." Summarizing is what AP Lang and Sum students do, not AP Lang and Comp. In each entry, you are supposed to analyze the writing. For some, that means summarize it in one page.

That used to be me, but then we read a bunch of colored packets...

Here are some questions that might be able to help you. If you are completely stuck on your entry, just blatantly answer one of these questions. Hope it helps!

1. What is the author's background? Where is he from, when is he from, what religion does he believe in, how did he become a writer, what language is the essay in, etc..

2. What is the author's diction? ... Diction? Are you kidding me? I only know 10.5/18 of diction.

Haha I'm funny. Talk about his words (Eg, Do you know them? Kinda know them? Or think they are another language? (colloquial, popular, learned, (dis)respectively)).

Talk about his tone. Is he joking around? Does he talk about himself a lot? Tell us.

3. Does the author use imagery? Basically point out a few metaphors, smilies, and descriptive words (ex "Red," "Big," "Hairy").

3. What is the author's formatting? Does he put in tons of annoying quotes (no offense, you first ever essayist...)? Why does he paragraph when he does? Why should we care about that?

Alright. Those are the basics. Now for the "Best" check mark.

4. Who is the author's audience? How can you tell? What does the author do to reach that audience specifically? (ex: allusions that a certain type of person would get, jargon, etc)

5. What is the author's purpose? This is huge. What does the author want to tell you? Does he want to make you do something? Is he just dissing on something? Is he just bragging? Tell us. Tell us how you know his purpose.

Big idea: What is the author's purpose and audience, and how does he use language reach readers and "purpose" them.

7. Any other mechanics about the essay? Point out some parallel structure or allusion that helped prove his point. Were there any analogies? Why did he use it? (ex: is it suited for his audience?).

8. Why does the author number his paragraphs wrong? Did he do it on purpose? Was he trying to trick his audience? (This is probably the most important)

9. What mood does the author set? Does he seem favorable to a certain topic/subject. How do you know? (ex: Phrases like "I like religion" would indicate that the author has a positive view towards religion)

10. What do you think? Do you agree with the author? Do you think he lives in a dumpster? Do you think he was raised by bears? Tell us. Do you think he is awesome? Do you and him disagree on the usefulness of newspapers? Tell us. This section should be limited, because you are analyzing his work, not criticizing.

Anyway, if you answer all of those questions, you should have at least a page.

A Few More Hints:

  • DON'T just summarize. At the least, summarize his literary devices.
  • Feel free to use quotes from the text. They take up plenty of room on the page :)
  • READ the essay. Just do it. Don't fall behind on entries, it will save you lots of trouble in the end.
  • Make sure your handwriting is legible. I am not a hypocrite.
  • Lighten it up. Make a joke or two. If you were an awesome teacher, would you want to read a bunch of boring entries? No.

Just do what you can.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Meaning of Life?

What the hell is wrong with us?

Why do we work so hard? Really guys, think about it, what is the point?

I was checking my planner tonight, and read "Prepare for in class essay tom" (Tom refers totomorrow, as in the day after today. It does not refer to Tom, a person). In class essay? What is this? Put 30 kids together in the same room and make them dispense ink on paper?!?!?

Wow, this could be the best invention since the laundry shredder.

Just look at the guy above. He is obviously writing an ICE (In case of emergency...wait I mean In class essay). I don't know about you, but I do not want to be that guy1. Seriously, look at him. He looks like he is about to kill himself, or at least burst out into tears. I do not want to kill myself, or burst out in tears for that matter. I would much rather be this guy:

This guy looks like a guy that has never written an in-class essay. I want to be this guy. Except with a dry shirt, his looks a bit damp.

Anyway, this brings me back to my point: Why are people so sad? Honestly people, we work so hard, and for what? Take a journey into your life. If I were to ask the average AP student "Why do you take such hard classes and try so hard?" he or she would probably reply with something like "Well, because I want to get good grades! Unlike you, Mikey."

To that I would reply, "Why do you want to get good grades?" They would say, "So I can get into a good college, unlike you!" To that I would reply, "Why do you want to get into a good college?"

Now at this point, an average person might be a bit flustered, but we AP students, we know how to defend ourselves. The average AP student would respond "So I can get a good job! Wow you are dum!"(and yes, they would incorrectly spell 'dumb' in their enunciation).

Again, "Why do you want a good job?" "...Silence Well, umm, because I want to make money, don't you?"

Where does it go from here? We all follow the same path. Try hard in school, get good grades; try hard in college, get good grades; try hard at work, get good money. For what?

I was reading in some magazine that some ridiculous 75% or so of Americans are unhappy. The magazine also showed that richer people are not any more happier than poor people.

You need to think about what you want in life. For many people, happiness is the ultimate goal, and yet very few people are generally happy. Blame the government, blame the school, blame Nathan's mom, but happiness is rare in adults. Set your goals, enjoy life, and most of all, Relax.

So tomorrow when you write your in class essay, smile. Enjoy the essay. Don't be like person number one. Be like number two. But please don't come to class dripping. And make sure your hair isn't sticking up in the back. But anyway, just enjoy it a little bit. Who gives a damn about grades? They mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Learn what you can, grow, live, and enjoy life. Peace.

Disclaimers: This post is a tad controversial. I could easily argue the other side and annihilate myself. I am just trying to explain another point of view. Don't get mad. More to come. Also I am not dissing on in class essays. I enjoy them as much as a rabid monkey enjoys a hot bath in a desert. And I like Barron's. I bought their book.

1) Actually this guy is probably a model, and is just posing for Barron's. He probably makes good money and has a lifestyle similar to person number two. I wouldn't mind being this guy.

Top pic courtesy of Roman's book store at I added the paint stuff.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Night Ramblings

Upon taking great consideration, I have decided to move the Sunday Night Ramblings to Monday night this week. I have decided to do this for two reasons.

1) Sunday Night has come and gone, and there is are still no ramblings up.
-This is due to staying up past 1 AM both Friday and Saturday night (very rare for me)

2) I have a few rambles to ramble about, and would hate if they went unrambled.

To start off, I would like to express my like of Miley Cyrus.
There, like expressed.

Did you catch that? That was parallel structure. Yea. In blogs. Parallel blog posts.

Who understands his diction? This guy.

It happens.

My favorite part of Homecoming (except for Homecoming itself), is watching the Facebook Relationship updates. I glance at my "highlights" and see 10 messages:

"Stanzi Gummy is in a relationship with Harrity McClearance"
"Tookies Snuffler is in a relationship and its complicated"
"Bell Hooks is married to Jimithoy Turb"
"Truck Giggles has changed his orientation to: gay"
"Juck Pluck is single"
"Gugril Pantil is feeling awkward"
etc, etc, etc

First of all, teenagers getting married is just ridiculous, especially in this era. I am always surprised to see so many young couples getting married in high school.

Secondly, I don't think Facebook actually updates people on sexual orientation changes (or awkwardness), but you can kinda get the idea...

Thirdly, I feel sorry for Juck Pluck. What did he do over homecoming to get dumped? That must be a bummer.

Homecoming week in the fall is part of our genes. A time for couples to get together in order to have spring babies (which have the better chance of survival).

Its never too late...

(Sorry that was just the song I was listening to on, what else, Pandora.)

Ah, That brings up the question of texting. I recently (HC night) sent my first "Pix" message.

I know what your thinking. He was sexting! OMGISH!

Actually no I was not sexting. Although the picture did take place in a bathroom, it was not revealing. I think Verizon will charge me a few bucks for that picture. A complete rip off. All texting is a rip off. Voice (talking on the phone) takes up so much data space that a text, but the phone companies think they can charge a million times more per text than per minute. Lame.

Bottom Line: Call People.

Actually that brings up what happened to me tonight. I tested out my theory. I left my phone in my room while eating supper/cleaning up, and when I got back to my room I had 3 unread texts.

One was from a friend looking for another friend's number (a very smart friend's number). I called this friend back, talked for a while, and learned that I had a potential wife.

One was from a friend, lets call him Madek. Madek was having trouble remembering the HW assignment, so I called him back and we talked for a while. He likes to talk on the phone.

One was from a friend, looking for help on a big story. I called the friend back, we talked for a while, gave the friend my email, and my friend sent me a story. I edited it, sent it back, and greatly helped the friend. Its just my job.

Line Below the Bottom Line: Call people unless you have unlimited texting

Just do what you can.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

An Arabic Topic

It is just a few minutes before Phanic starts, so I thought I would write a few words about T. E. Lawrence before I leave. Goody and I are starting a project on Mr. Lawrence, and I think by blogging a bit about it, I can kindle some interest.

I started off my research by going to...Wikipedia. Surprise. I was glancing at the table of contents, and one chapter caught my attention, "Sexuality." Do most Wikipedia biographies have a "sexuality" chapter? I didn't think so. This guy must be awesome!

I read the section, and was a little creeped out, especially when it said "Lawrence hired people to whip him." The article says that he was into weird stuff like that. He pretended to have a mean uncle that forced him to be beaten. Apparently some people think Lawrence was homosexual, but most evidence says that he had little interest in sex at all. They claim he was "asexual." Not the pimp I was hoping for...

Anyway, some of his most important works were letters that he sent to various political figures. In addition to his letters/diaries, he had 4 major pieces of writing. Two of them were translations of old stories. As far as I can tell, his most famous writing was "Seven Pillars of Wisdom," which was an account of his war experiences. During the war he was a liaison between the British and Arabs, giving him extraordinary powers. They even made a movie about him, Lawrence of Arabia.

He died at the age of 46, from a motorcycle accident. There were two boys riding their bicycles down the road, and Lawrence didn't see them until he got over a hill, and he was forced to swerve to avoid them. He lost control of the bike and was flipped over the handle bars. A few days later he died.

Phanic Time!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Topical Topic

It was a quaint Saturday morning, around 12:30 PM. A young blogger was sitting at his desk, with a blank page in front of him. He thought to himself, "What should I blog about?" Various topics crossed his mind, none seeming of any importance. "Should I blog about the meaning of life? Nah, not in the mood..." he said (to nobody in particular). "What about a random article? Nope, already did that. Wait, how about I pick a random button, such as 'Comment Moderation?' Eh, I have nothing to say about it," he thought solemnly to himself, how odd. His mind wandered as he listened to Poker Face on Pandora, lightening his dark mood by a small margin.

After a few minutes of searching, and finding nothing. He cursed his ability to find topics to blog about. He remembered what Goody had once told him, something like "I only find inspiration at night. Look at all my blog posts, check the time." The young blogger felt a sense of similarity with that statement, as many of his ideas had hit him during the time of the moon. Cursing the daylight, he was forced to move on. His mood darkened even more when a few slow songs played across Pandora.......................................

After a brief mental lapse, the young blogger became aware of his posture. It was terrible. He was slouching of the computer, adding years of back pain and surgery to his already short life. The cardinals outside his window frolicked around the bird feeder, seemingly unaware of the young blogger inside the house with posture problems. The young blogger had worked too hard in school and in life to be troubled by back problems, and he abruptly say upright. Outside, two of the birds crashed, and collided into the side of the house. The quiet noise stirred the blogger, and he glanced out the window. To his dismay, the two birds were nowhere in sight. They must have flown off, frightened by the looming structure that was so unmovable.

Returning back to the task at hand, the young blogger tried once more to discover a topic. Ideas from sports, music, politics, religion, and more crossed his mind, none lighting the match. The young blogger laughed silently to himself, as yet another depressing song played on the radio. "What is with me today?," he thought, "Why can't anything go write?"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Brady Bunch

Ok guys, recently there has been a slight debate over a simple question.

"Who is a better quarterback: Tom Brady or Peyton Manning?"

My bias is obviously noted in whose name I typed first, but I can support my answer.

To start off, I will ask a few questions.

Who has won more Super Bowls?

Who has more Super Bowl MVPs?

Who has the record for the most TD thrown in one season?

Who has the hotter wife?

Boom, Roasted.

PS: All my other competition has dropped out, so I win by default.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wikipedia Random Article Analysis

I had a great idea for a post: Look for a random article on Wikipedia and discuss it in great detail. I couldn't wait to see what my idea would be, as I quickly typed in "" into my Google Chrome address bar. I had a small rush of excitement as the server redirected me to "" (not .com). I graciously clicked on the "English" button on the main page, and too my delight the link was working like a construction worker on a highway (JK, it was working like a charm).

I skimmed the page with much contentment and glanced at the "Random Article" button. I pressed it without much thought.

Now, the big moment. Which article will I get? Which article will I devote a whole blog post to? This is big. This could possibly be the biggest moment of my wikiblog connective life!

As the old page leaves the screen with white emptiness, my heart beats faster, my sympathetic nervous system kicks in, and I experience a small seizure.

I quickly recover, and look at the title of the newly loaded page. I was in disbelief! My page. The biggest moment of my life, resulted in :
Glucose-1-phospho-D-mannosylglycoprotein phosphodiesterase


What? This is a joke, right? Someone put that page in there just for me. Just so I would be forced to write about it, right? What is this? I dropped my head in shame, for thinking that my idea would be brilliant. For thinking my idea would even have the slightest hope of being moderately successful. What a shame. I looked at the title again. Glucose 1 phoso d mansadfaklsdfjasdlgkjasasd? There is no way I can write about this. I have no hope. I should give up now.

After the feelings of grief subsided, I performed introspection and looked upon my inner feelings. I got this page by chance. My destiny was this page, and I will fulfill my destiny. As a person I know would say, "Lets get it!"

Glucose-1-phospho-D-mannosylglycoprotein phosphodiesterase

Starting off from the top, Glucose means sugar. Sugar, so it tastes good. That's fun. Taste is fun. Who doesn't like to taste? Oh wait, I think that guy with the missing tongue doesn't like to taste. He says "It makes me choke." Nonsense, he would like this Glucose fo sho.

-1- Means 1. Number 1. The number one sugar. Beast.

Phospho. Hmm. Phospho sounds like "phosfitol." A gangster hospital. Nice.

-D- That must be the hospital owner's grade. A "d." Expected.

Mannosylglycoprotein. Sounds like a gangsta protein. Must be steroids. Crazy.

Phosphodiesterase. -Ase means enzyme. The enzyme that induce fits it all. Legit.

Overall, we have a gangstuh hospital whose owner has a moderately low GPA. At this hospital they serve the number one sugar out there, along with steroids for strength. The enzyme makes it all digestible. Some adjectives of "Glucose-1-phospho-D-mannosylglycoprotein phosphodiesterase" would be "beast, nice, expected, crazy, and legit." Hell, I'll do that.
I would explain the actual meaning of the article, except I have no idea what it means. Check it out

Not bad. Hopefully next week's random article turns out a bit better.

That's all for now, just do what you can.

The Flaws of the Aged (1/2)

My kid is perfect. He can't make a mistake. When he does, it is not his fault.

Why are parents so protective of their own kids? Why can't they accept that their kids might not be perfect?

Just recently, a parent of the female gender was telling me how her son was struggling in math. He was performing poorly on tests and quizzes, couldn't understand the homework, and never participated in class.

The kid blamed the teacher. The classic "She doesn't teach anything. She just gives us homework then yells at us" excuse. Classic.

The mom blamed the kid's "over intelligence." The classic "My boy just thinks things through too much. He is making everything harder than they need to be. He is too smart, so he thinks that the work should be harder than it really is" excuse. Classic.

Are you kidding me? Math is too tough because the kid is too smart?! Dang, sign me up for that program!

Ridiculous. If the kid was really smart enough, he would realize how to do the math easily. As a friend of mine might say "That is the point of being smart, so you don't have to work hard." Wait, I am getting off track. Back to the parents and their close-mindedness.

Parents want their kid to succeed.... I just realized that "thier" is actually spelled "their." I have been spelling it "thier" my whole life. As a parent might say "That's not your fault, the teachers should have taught you better." Another parent might say "I think that dictionary is wrong, keep up the good work!" But really, this is big for me. Thier isn't correct? Wow. Pathetic.

Back to the subject. Lets get down to the root of this "problem." If you were a parent, had a kid, and raised him to the best of your ability, would you want him/her to fail? Would you turn a blind eye when he/she messed up?

Hmmm. I am not impressed with this post, I find it lacks imagery and legitimacy. I just wanted to get this thought out there, do what you can. ... That might be a good catch phrase. "Do what you can." I like it.

Thats all for now, do what you can.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Night

Some ramblings (pay no attention to the following. In fact, you shouldn't read this. Yes, don't read the following section at all. I am warning you, don't read this.):

I was watching the Bears-Packers game tonight, and realized how sad I was. Sitting in front of a TV, watching grown men hit themselves against each other, trying to get someplace that could easily be reached if they went on the sidelines, holding something that can be bought at Walmart for 10 dollars. Instead of watching, I decided to check the internet (to make sure it was still there).

Actually, when I first got on, I thought the internet wasn't working. Then I waited for the page to load, and it worked. But it was slower than usual. My thoughts shifted to a desire for the local Mediacom sales rep to get injured. Then it was fast again. My thoughts shifted back to wishing the Mediacom sales rep will lead a mediocre life.

The end.

Actually what I really wanted to comment on was the lack of objectiveness in various sports blogs. The posts I have seen generally talk about one team in particular, the blogger's favorite team. I hope that those blogs become more varied, and do not turn into a shrine for a certain team. I'm sure that when you can only say so much about the Vikings, you must turn to another team. Like the Bears.

The end 2.0

Actually I would like to comment on my first comment. We watch football to belong. We love when our team scores. We sigh when our team doesn't acheive thier short-term goal of not sucking. We talk with friends about teams, who wins, who loses, why my team is better than yours, why your team has no chance of being better than mine, why his team is stupid, why he wears that jersey, why she likes football, etc.

The end 2.1

Actually, now that I think about it. I would like to express my new dislike of TJ Max's selection.

There, dislike expressed.

The final end.

PS:If you are reading this: Score one for reverse psychology.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Perspectives Part One- What?

Today I barely resisted the urge to post something about the NFL. I just finished reading 5 posts about opening day predictions, injury predictions, team breakdowns, and even Super Bowl Predictions. I could go on and on about the NFL; how Tom Brady will dominate, how Randy Moss will dominate, how Rodney Harrison retired, how Bill Belicheck is a coach, how I am not biased towards any team in particular, etc. But, alas, I will not do that. I must continue on and try to stick to my main topic: Philosophy (side note: Other topics may work their way into this blog, but I will make sure they have meaning).

To start off, we need to define perspectives. I will not go to Webster again, I find his website very cluttered and uninviting. Instead I will come up with my own definition. Basically, perspectives seem to be your view of the world. Your angle. What you think. How you think. How you handle your situations. But then again, based on your perspective, the definition of perspective might change. To a small child, perspective might mean "Oh not again, shut up dad." To an old person, perspective might mean "How much per one spektiv? 70 cents you say? Dang, I can't afford that." To a high school student, perspective might mean "Easiest class ever!"

We can expand a little on that. Your perspective is how you view your world and situations. Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? For me, it is a case of the glass being 100% full, part with water, the other part with air (both crucial to survival). Actually I never thought about that before now, but it seems to make my point reasonably well. This brings up something else: writing. According to Bacon, (paraphrased) "Writing makes a man exact." I think he means that writing makes you realize what you think. Your thoughts are very hard to convey if you can't put them into words (telepathy hasn't been invented yet (even if it was invented, it might only use words)). If you want to discover a little bit more about yourself, pick any topic and start writing about it. Your true nature will soon be revealed...... With just two small payments of 19.95. S&H not included.

Anyway, back to the topic.
Your perspective has a bigger impact on your life than you realize. Oh wait, I am at 400 words. I must go now.

To be continued.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

On the Consistancy of Perfection

EDIT: Please read the post below this to actually understand everything

A few days ago I wrote about the impossibility of perfection. After browsing my teacher's blog, I decided to completely contradict myself today.

“I write in order to change myself and in order not to think the same thing as before.”
~M. Foucault

So I have decided to take this literally, and will attempt to change my own views on perfection. Lets see how this goes...

After reading the outlandish comments written by Mikey J, I have decided to take him on. He claims that perfection is impossible. Impossible? Nothing is impossible. As my good friend El once said:

"No one ever gets far unless he accomplishes the impossible everyday."
-Elbert Hubbard

Oh man, I need to stop with the Montaigne. Enough quotes! Anyway, the point is, perfection is possible. Not in the normal way, but perfection is very possible, and it is everywhere.

"See that flower over there? Yea, that's perfection"
"See how happy those little kids are? Yea, that's perfection"
"How about our democracy? Freedom? Yea, that's perfection"

By perfect I don't mean: No mistakes, no flaws, no inconsistencies. Everything is perfect in it's own way. That flower has a hole in it, from where a Japanese Beetle had his lunch. One of the kids just sprained his ankle, and cannot run anymore. A corrupt official just embezzled $2 million from our federal taxes. These mistakes are perfect. That beetle will now life on to produce more cute beetle babies. That injured kid will sit out from football, and discover his life calling: video games. That official will be caught, and the administration will increase security and ensure fair tax distribution.

Everything is perfect. All the mistakes, flaws, and inconsistencies are perfect. That is just how things are made. Anything alive is amazing, perfect in how the physiology allows the organism to live and grow.

So what if you don't pass that math test. That mistake was perfect! Now, you should still try your best and all that (see Obama) to acheive your goals, but your mistakes are okay.

So, you overachiever that is in 4 sports, president of 7 clubs, has a 4.million GPA, and is the homecoming king, Relax, don't worry about being perfect, because you already are. And the world is still going...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

On the Inconsistancy of Perfection

It is always tough to come up with an opening line of a post, so this one will have to do.

Perfection. Websters defines perfection as:

  • Pronunciation: \pər-ˈfek-shən\
  • Function: noun
  • Etymology: Middle English perfeccioun, from Anglo-French perfection, from Latinperfection-, perfectio, from perficere
  • Date: 13th century
1 : the quality or state of being perfect: as a : freedom from fault or defect :Impossible b : maturity c : the quality or state of being saintly
2 a : an exemplification of supreme excellence b : an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence
3 : the act or process of perfecting

Did you catch that? Yes, Impossible, with a capital 'I.' Perfection is impossible. "No its not!" a person might reply, "I got 100% on my math test just last week! Ha!." To them I say, "Perfect, huh? Was the handwriting perfect? Did you ever have to erase? Did you round your numbers at all?." To continue, I might say, "Were the thoughts that influenced that test perfect? How many germs were on that test? When you turned it in, did you make sure the pile was neat and tidy?" If the answer to any of those questions is "yes," then the test was not perfect, at least in my mind. There is always something you can improve on, some little thing that isn't perfect. Now you could always go with the classic "Well, it was a perfect score, at least." Really? It was? Was it infinity percent? I don't think so. Boom, roasted.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say, will make your day, (bills you must pay) please don't turn away (we can have poetry, right?).

Now, one thing I am not trying to do is depress people. Just because you can't obtain perfection doesn't mean that you can't get darn close. It is similar to absolute zero (0 Kelvins). Scientists have been able to cool something down to .0001 Kelvins, and then they realize that the freezer is connected to the floor, which is connected to the ground, which is connected to the molten lava inside earth. You can't get to absolute zero, and you can't get to absolute perfection.

This means that there is always room for improvement, you can always expand your knowledge or skills in any area. Your life is open for expansion. But, on the other hand, you don't need to worry too much. Because perfection is unobtainable, you shouldn't feel too bad about making mistakes.
As my good friend Proverb once told me:

"If you don't make mistakes, you don't make anything."

After searching the internet for "Mistake quotes" I felt pressured to make mistakes. "Am I making enough mistakes? Are my mistakes good mistakes? Am I learning from the mistakes I make? Are these quotes just propaganda for Obama? Why do people in Texas think Obama is socialist? Was Obama's message to students socialist? Is our school system somewhat socialist?" I know the answer to one of them (Hint: The answer is "Oh, its Texas").

As I always say "The person who does something perfectly will end up destroying the world." Well I've never actually said that, but it may have some correlation.

The number of times the world has been destroyed = 0.

The number of times somebody has done something perfect = 0.

A coincidence? I don't think so. So, Mr. Overachiever with the "perfect" test, relax. Miss a point or two. Mess up on purpose if you have to. Spit on the paper before turning it in, I don't care, just make a mistake! The fate of the world may depend on it...
EDIT: I changed the websters definition a little bit, sorry!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Origin of Blogs

According to recent studies, 95% of all people in the world over the age of 10 have their own blog. This fact brings up some exciting new questions. Such as: Why are these blogs so popular? Why do people spend so much of their time writing to an unknown audience? When did blogs start up? Who came up with the idea that everyone should have a world audience? Where did the kids in Africa get computers to blog? Who taught the kids in Africa to blog? Is there even internet in Africa?

I did some digging and got down to the root of these Exciting New Questions.

1. Blogs are popular for a few reasons:

a. They are free. Anything that is free is worth the shipping and handling cost.

b. People didn't know what a blog was at first. They liked how 'blog' sounded, and decided to sign up.

c. A select few AP Lang teachers require students to have a blog.

d. They can send their thoughts to kids in Africa via the Blog to Blog Connection Service (still under construction(translator doesn't work)).

e. What a better way when you are lonely to post a message for millions of viewers?

2. Its better to write to an unknown audience than no audience at all. The web allows writers to reach people all over the world (include kids in Africa).

3. The name "blog" comes from "weblog," or a web log. A "log" (as in a record) of things that are posted on the "web."

4. See number 2.

5. I'm not really sure if 95% of the people in Africa have their own blog. 95% of all statistics are made up on the spot. It would be great if more people had access to the internet, so they could share their stories and way of life with the rest of the world.

6. See number 5.

7. I would assume there is internet in Africa. According to my Color Box, no one can hide from the internet any more.

Until 2012,
Mikey J

Some of the facts stated in this post may or may not be completely or partially true or false.

You got it?

I offered to give him speech lessons. He didn't respond.
A hot dog is God's Toe.
Best pickup line ever:

"I accidentally ordered an extra entree, can you come and eat if for me?"
Statistically, I will live forever. I have been living for over 5,000 days. During each of those days, I have lived the whole time. Probability says I am immortal.

(Probability also said Michigan would beat Appalachian State)
You know we're doomed if we idol a guy named "Young Jeezy." Funniest name ever.

"You know what they say about assuming?"
"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
Dumb: "Quit being such a smart ass!"

Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

-"Well, the short answer is no. But the long answer would be yes, it has one more letter."
-After drinking all that diet soda, I felt Splendid
-Drive up ATM's have braille for a good reason: Limit production cost (drive-up same as walk-up, so only one factory setting is needed) Plus, where else is the blind taxi driver going to get his money late at night?
Only in America:

-Can you walk the streets without getting shot
-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
-Will you be allowed to elect your leaders
-You don't have to put barbed wire around your yard
The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from