1) Sunday Night has come and gone, and there is are still no ramblings up.
-This is due to staying up past 1 AM both Friday and Saturday night (very rare for me)
2) I have a few rambles to ramble about, and would hate if they went unrambled.
To start off, I would like to express my like of Miley Cyrus.
There, like expressed.
Did you catch that? That was parallel structure. Yea. In blogs. Parallel blog posts.
Who understands his diction? This guy.
It happens.
My favorite part of Homecoming (except for Homecoming itself), is watching the Facebook Relationship updates. I glance at my "highlights" and see 10 messages:
"Stanzi Gummy is in a relationship with Harrity McClearance"
"Tookies Snuffler is in a relationship and its complicated"
"Bell Hooks is married to Jimithoy Turb"
"Truck Giggles has changed his orientation to: gay"
"Juck Pluck is single"
"Gugril Pantil is feeling awkward"
etc, etc, etc
First of all, teenagers getting married is just ridiculous, especially in this era. I am always surprised to see so many young couples getting married in high school.
Secondly, I don't think Facebook actually updates people on sexual orientation changes (or awkwardness), but you can kinda get the idea...
Thirdly, I feel sorry for Juck Pluck. What did he do over homecoming to get dumped? That must be a bummer.
Homecoming week in the fall is part of our genes. A time for couples to get together in order to have spring babies (which have the better chance of survival).
Its never too late...
(Sorry that was just the song I was listening to on, what else, Pandora.)
Ah, That brings up the question of texting. I recently (HC night) sent my first "Pix" message.
I know what your thinking. He was sexting! OMGISH!
Actually no I was not sexting. Although the picture did take place in a bathroom, it was not revealing. I think Verizon will charge me a few bucks for that picture. A complete rip off. All texting is a rip off. Voice (talking on the phone) takes up so much data space that a text, but the phone companies think they can charge a million times more per text than per minute. Lame.
Bottom Line: Call People.
Actually that brings up what happened to me tonight. I tested out my theory. I left my phone in my room while eating supper/cleaning up, and when I got back to my room I had 3 unread texts.
One was from a friend looking for another friend's number (a very smart friend's number). I called this friend back, talked for a while, and learned that I had a potential wife.
One was from a friend, lets call him Madek. Madek was having trouble remembering the HW assignment, so I called him back and we talked for a while. He likes to talk on the phone.
One was from a friend, looking for help on a big story. I called the friend back, we talked for a while, gave the friend my email, and my friend sent me a story. I edited it, sent it back, and greatly helped the friend. Its just my job.
Line Below the Bottom Line: Call people unless you have unlimited texting
Just do what you can.
If you having unlimited texting, but not unlimited calling, just text, otherwise I understand.