NOTE: This is a direct response to this guy's post.
Orbital Alignments Don't Mean Crap, they Mean Much Much More.
Without orbital alignments, we would not exist. Atoms would not exist. There would be nothing. To say that orbital alignments mean crap would be blasphemy. God's creation, atoms, are dependent on the orbital alignments of electrons. To say that they are crap? That is insane. They determine the position of electrons around the nucleus. They help determine the atom's chemical properties. That determines everything. Carbon (life) would be completely messed up without orbital alignments.
If you are a genius, this is for you.
The following diagram should clear things up for you.
So you, black very very very very dark brown haired kid, I am glad you agree with me that "Orbital Alignments Don't Mean Crap."
I appreciate it.
"Pattern Drawing of Count-Down Timer"
Thank you for that correction.