Saturday, January 30, 2010

When Apple Runs Out of Ideas

As I'm sure you've heard, Apple's new iPad was announced a few days ago.  The concept appears to take an iPhone, make the screen huge, raise the price a bit, and take away the phone capabilities (as the video below describes it, a bigger iPod touch).

Or, the concept might be to make an underpowered laptop without a physical keyboard, and make it in tablet form.  As a side note, Apple is just asking to be made fun of with the "iPad." Maybe an "iTablet" would be a little safer?

"I was just going to make a tampon joke, but I figured, too easy"

I could go on and describe all the "features," so I think I will.

Internet:  The iPad will apparently use a 3G network like what the iPhone uses.  That means you will have to pay a monthly data charge to use it.  With an already expensive $500 price point, this slice of technology is not for dumpster divers.

Anyways, the interface is a big 'ole touch screen, which means you click with your finger, scroll with a flick, and zoom in with a pinch.  Same old, same old. As expected, the iPad also has an email feature, nothing really special.

Guess what?! It can display photos also!!!  Surprise! (not).  And it can watch Youtube videos...and other videos...

Hmmm as I go down the list I'm finding this very similar to an iPod touch.  But I guess a bigger screen is better, and it is full HD.  Watching Harry Potter in HD while taking a trip would be fun, not gonna lie. Oh wait, I forgot to mention, the iPad also plays music.  Thats right, you can just plug in your headphones, slip the iPad in your pocket, and rock out.  This is assuming you have pocket extensions.

As most Apple things these days, the iPad has access to the App store.  You can download bunches of Apps...just like on an iPod Touch or iPhone.  Other similar features include contacts, calendars, maps, home screen, etc.

One possibility that first came to mind was the capabilities as a Kindle type book reader replacement.  You can download books onto the iPad, and read them.  As The Panoptiblog mentioned, you could eventually download your textbook onto the iPad, and leave the books at home.  In my mind, this is what the future is: all our learning supplies in one place.  No more locker trips (sad...) and more technical problems.

The idea of clicking on an iPad to read your text book is revolutionary.  Each individual person could highlight in their book.  Everyone could take notes right on the iPad (with it's digital keyboard) and drop a couple of notebooks as well.  During lectures, you could simply type what he is saying, and have electronic copies of your notes. In the future I imagine a Nintendo DS type stylus that will come with the iPad, so you can write.  If someone likes to handwrite their notes, they still can.

The only downside to this is: no more bonfire material after each term :(

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Rare Artifact From the Famous

Ok folks, one of my loyal readers just sent me this transcript between two important politicians as they were watching the State of the Union Address tonight. The first part of the conversation cut off, but that is irrelevant. My own discussion of the address will follow in the coming days, but this transcript will get it started.

Grabbage Burmeister
how about we triple our gold supply?
1:29amGrabbage Burmeister
lets just lower the unemployment rate to 0
and how about we make free oil
and take over the world while were at it
that was the funniest goal ive ever heard.
i'd like to cut my 100 time in HALF!!
1:31amGrabbage Burmeister
haha yes
these promises seem unreal.
10,000 college credit?
1:34amGrabbage Burmeister
this happens every year
empty promises
"lets clear a few things up"
"im not gay"
"but i like men"
again, the generalization from vivid cases
post hoc
^ not really
^i just wanted to use that word
1:36amGrabbage Burmeister
idk the latin
quit flirting with your wife...
1:38amGrabbage Burmeister
he said "she gets embarrased"
i thought you were talking to me directly.
1:38amGrabbage Burmeister
am i the only one watching this speech on BET?
1:40amGrabbage Burmeister
im on ABC
1:41amGrabbage Burmeister
the party in office gets blamed for the recession
"ordinary times"
church reference?
(2nd sunday in ordinary time)
yeahh!! veto that bill!
1:43amGrabbage Burmeister
he didnt mention public education in the "national security, medicare, medicaid, social security"
that wouldnt be frozen
uh oh.
1:44amGrabbage Burmeister
haha i love his specifity
"congress must put forth specific guidlines by a certain deadline"
dont stress the details
1:45amGrabbage Burmeister
the freeze wont take effect until next year, after we graduate
lol. but public colleges.
1:46amGrabbage Burmeister
are also public education.
1:46amGrabbage Burmeister
i dont think those are govt controlled at all
yeah they are...
1:46amGrabbage Burmeister
we pay tuition to keep them afloat
public ones are cheaper for a reason.
1:47amGrabbage Burmeister
well i guess they are govt sponsored, but nothing federal
its all state govt
so the federal freeze will have little effect
ahh true true.
ture ture
1:48amGrabbage Burmeister
my public trust demands a tripling of our gold.
1:50amGrabbage Burmeister
my pubic trust demands crab free environments
my public trust demands the silver standard and a 4 hour workday!!
1:51amGrabbage Burmeister
im calling in a pullman strike
whos tough?
1:55amGrabbage Burmeister
1:56amGrabbage Burmeister
"we are sending more troops into war, so the troops can come home"
is what he basically just said
makes sense.
much easier to win at risk quicky with three guys instead of one.
1:57amGrabbage Burmeister
all troops are coming home
some will die
1:58amGrabbage Burmeister
and will come home, dead
but thats pretty ominous to say.
1:58amGrabbage Burmeister
or will come home as in the kingdom of heaven, Gods home
1:59amGrabbage Burmeister
i like how ABC just focused on the guy not paying attention
haha so did BET!!
i bet they do that on purpose.
2:00amGrabbage Burmeister
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2:00amGrabbage Burmeister
they TOO will face growing consequences
i like how he just snuck in HIV/AIDS
one sentance
sneaky sneaky
2:02amGrabbage Burmeister
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2:05amGrabbage Burmeister
the military leader response to the gay army men...
hes nearing the end of the speech, so he throws in his pitch to all demographics- immigrants, women, gays
thats how its supposed to be done.
2:06amGrabbage Burmeister
he didnt take a stand on the coinage of silver!
ef that. im coining my silver!
2:06amGrabbage Burmeister
me too!
ill buy a mold at walmart
lets have a coining conference.
2:07amGrabbage Burmeister
in the white house
so obama must attend
im not appreciating obamas diss on journalism]
i love his not so subtle dissing.
2:08amGrabbage Burmeister
i dont
100 years ago silver was a big issue!
they didnt care about whatever abstract thing hes talking about
100 years ago nothing happened in politics
2:09amGrabbage Burmeister
WJ Bryans
2:10amGrabbage Burmeister
he said "we had some setbacks"
and they again focused on the African Americans in the audience
not on BET!
2:10amGrabbage Burmeister
on ABC they did
i take that back......
we switched to FOX!!!!!
2:11amGrabbage Burmeister
how am i not surprised?
that explains it.
2:11amGrabbage Burmeister

As we can see, this conversation is very revealing.  Let me know what you think.  Again, none of these comments are related to Mikey J in the Morning.

You got it?

I offered to give him speech lessons. He didn't respond.
A hot dog is God's Toe.
Best pickup line ever:

"I accidentally ordered an extra entree, can you come and eat if for me?"
Statistically, I will live forever. I have been living for over 5,000 days. During each of those days, I have lived the whole time. Probability says I am immortal.

(Probability also said Michigan would beat Appalachian State)
You know we're doomed if we idol a guy named "Young Jeezy." Funniest name ever.

"You know what they say about assuming?"
"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
Dumb: "Quit being such a smart ass!"

Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

-"Well, the short answer is no. But the long answer would be yes, it has one more letter."
-After drinking all that diet soda, I felt Splendid
-Drive up ATM's have braille for a good reason: Limit production cost (drive-up same as walk-up, so only one factory setting is needed) Plus, where else is the blind taxi driver going to get his money late at night?
Only in America:

-Can you walk the streets without getting shot
-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
-Will you be allowed to elect your leaders
-You don't have to put barbed wire around your yard
The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from