Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Meaning of Life Revisited

These past weeks I've learned a valuable lesson.

I was in the locker room after track one day and was chilling with three other guys.  We started talking about our plans for Friday night and how fun it was going to be.  Somehow the talk came around to this one girl who spends a lot of time studying, doing homework, etc.  One of us mentioned, "she needs to stop wasting her life."

Then one of the other guys said, "Maybe she's not wasting her life.  Shes leading it the way she wants to.  There is nothing wrong with that."

Now the situation wasn't exactly like that, but it made me realize: no one's life is better than anyone else's.

There is no ONE good way to lead your life, as long as you are satisfied with how you are living.  If you want to study, study! If you want to smoke pot, smoke! There is nothing wrong with that, its just how you want to live.

Often times people have been made fun of for staying home on weekends, making it seem like that is the "wrong" thing to do.  Why do we think that? Some people stay home, and as long as that is what they want to do, there is nothing wrong with it.

I believe that a good way to lead your life is one in which you don't let society's expectations drag you down and control your life.  Don't measure yourself up to society's standards.  Feel free to do something most people don't think is the "best" thing to do.  They probably won't care.  As the saying goes, "Those you matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter."

The lesson: it doesn't matter how you lead your life, as long as you are satisfied and happy with it.

Picture courtesy of

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You got it?

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Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

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-Can you walk the streets without getting shot
-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
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The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from