Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Best Team in the NBA

So apparently Jason Kidd doesn't play for the Nets anymore...

This just looks awkward

Jason Kidd has been my favorite player for quite some time, and the Nets have been my favorite team for quite some time.  I haven't been paying attention to the NBA for a few years (I'm pretty sure Kidd left early 2008, 2 years ago).  I just found out now...

Anyway I checked up on other players from the Nets and my heart was crushed even more.  Apparently the beast Vince Carter left to the Magic, and the next best player Richard Jefferson went to the Bucks.

And I also hear Dikembe Mutumbo retired.  He was awesome.

And get this, the Nets are the worst team in the NBA.  In fact, they are almost the worst team in the HISTORY of the NBA.  This is sad.  When I watched the Nets they made it to the finals but I guess those days are over.

The Nets basically got rid of everyone that was halfway good on their team, and now they suck.  The Nets without Jason Kidd are like the Eagles without Donovan McNabb...

So what am I gonna do now?  I don't necessarily want to be a fan of the worst team in the league, especially a team with none of my favorite players on it.

I talked with one of my friends about this dilemma and he provided some valuable insight. He said that because NBA teams trade players so much, it is often times better to be loyal to a specific player as opposed to an entire team.  This made a lot of sense for a couple of reasons.

If you are loyal to a good player, you will experience a lot more "victories," because that player is good (and probably will be for the majority of his career).  Being loyal to a team, as I found out, has many ups and downs.  A downside to following the player around is that you have to buy different jerseys more often, and that you don't feel as happy if the teams wins but your player under performs.  

Anyway I decided to take his advice, so my new favorite team is the Dallas Mavericks.  The decision would have been harder if Vince Carter and Richard Jefferson were still with the Nets.  But...since their not I'm jumping ship.  

Seriously, I don't watch basketball. I haven't watched a game in over two years and I probably won't watch a game for another 5.  Ah well, at least their jerseys look alike.

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You got it?

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"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
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Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

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-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
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The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from