Sunday, April 11, 2010

iPod iFind: Jon Foreman

I have never been a fan of Christian music.  Its not that I don't like it, I simply have never really listened to it that much.  When I went up to ISU over spring break I did my usual and listened to Jack Johnson the whole way up.

When we got there my sister said, "Hey, if you like Jack Johnson you should check out Jon Foreman.  You will have to bear some Christian references, but he's really good."

I checked him out.  It took a couple songs for me to get into it, but his songs are good.  I would describe his music as something similar to Jack Johnson.  The bass in his songs are nearly nonexistent- he focuses a lot more on his own vocals and guitar as opposed to background noise.  This melodic angle causes the songs to get stuck in your head fairly easily, but that's okay.  It is better to have good moral Christian Lyrics stuck in your head than some gangsta stuff.

Foreman's lyrics are very uplifting.  He sings about love, heartbreak, family, and God (surprise!). After listening to his songs you feel better inside.  They lyrics might not be as "cool" because they don't talk about booze, drugs, and girls, but they have real meaning.  

How come railroad tracks make the best pictures?

Oh, and I just googled him...Apparently he has a band called Switchfoot (not to be mistaken with Slipknot). I guess I have something new to listen to. Foreman says "Switchfoot" is a surfing term (Wikipedia, 2010).

I think one of the reasons that Jon Foreman/Switchfoot doesn't fit into the typical lame/Christian rock stereotype is their own beliefs.  This is what Jon said,

"For us, it's a faith, not a genre. We've always been very open and honest about where the songs are coming from. For us, these songs are for everyone. Calling us 'Christian rock' tends to be a box that closes some people out and excludes them. And that's not what we're trying to do. Music has always opened my mind—and that's what we want".

This makes a lot of sense.  Before listening to Jon Foreman (and Reliant K), I was outside of the 'Christian Rock' box.  I wouldn't really even consider it to be acceptable music.  But I agree, these songs are for everyone.

Comparing all 20 of Jon Foreman's solo songs with the 2 songs I listened to of Switchfoot, I would say his solo stuff is better.  I have some listening to do.  Anyway make sure you check it out, let me know what you think

Jon Foreman pic from


  1. when you said Jon Foreman I didn't even think Switchfoot!

    Switchfoot rocks.

    Think that mainstream song "Meant to Live"

  2. on second thought...think any switchfoot song.

  3. I think the Chinese person agreed with you, Lil Caesar


You got it?

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"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
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Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

-"Well, the short answer is no. But the long answer would be yes, it has one more letter."
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-Can you walk the streets without getting shot
-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
-Will you be allowed to elect your leaders
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The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from