Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This ain't no kum and go!

I was getting my Daily Donut and I read something about immigration.  Most of the Doc's points made sense, but I had a problem with a few of them.  Here's the low down on the pillows and nails of immigration.

The moment you become a legal citizen of the United States you get access to the massive amount of welfare available.  Medicaid, unemployment, social security, and God knows what else Obama is planning.

Social security- some would say that immigration is good for social security. It increases the solvency of it's funds.  The CBPP (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities) says the following

In general, researchers conclude that increases in immigration will somewhat improve the financial status of Social Security and that decreases in immigration will worsen it.  

 They also say that illegal immigrants help social security more than legal immigrants.  Illegal immigrants generally still have the income tax but never collect the benefits.

The above might be very misleading.  I am anti-immigration for the most part.  Here are my reasons:

-Drugs.  Immigrants often times bring drugs with them.  Olga Rodriquez explains this:
Mexican traffickers supplied 77% of the cocaine, 53% of the methamphetamine and approximately 50% of the heroin that enters the U.S.
First of all this lowers the cost of street drugs, and makes them less of a luxury.  If the price were a lot higher, people would use them less and treat them more as a special occasion as opposed to an easy addiction.  I'm sure the people addicted to these drugs would disagree with me.

-Cost.  It costs a lot of money to keep immigrants out.  Building a fence along the Mexican border could cost the US up to $49 million billion. This amount is probably nothing compared to the other costs of immigration but it still has an impact (thats 49 billion).  And I suppose this provides a lot of jobs for Americans.  Hmm... maybe spending a lot on keeping people out is a good thing.  Consider it a public works project.  A public works project that keeps our country more private.

-Jobs.  There is the classic argument that when immigrants come in and get a job, it takes jobs away from Americans.  In some cases I believe this is true.  However, often times the immigrants will perform the work that no one wants to do, such as the work performed on dirty jobs.  Yeah right.  Listen to this statement proposed by a website against illegal aliens:

The MSM report ad nauseam that illegal aliens are only "doing work that Americans won't." This mantra is mercilessly bandied about by illegal immigration supporters and echoes throughout the halls of Congress and the White House whenever the topic comes up. What is never mentioned, however, is that the illegal aliens are artificially depressing compensation and that illegal aliens are the only ones who will do the work at such low wages. In actual fact, illegal immigration distorts the law of supply and demand in a capitalistic society. Additionally it is grossly hypocritical to want to raise the minimum wage on one hand while the other hand winks at illegal aliens working at far below prevailing wages.
If the illegal aliens work for cheaper than normal, why would companies pay real Americans more?  The companies can get around the minimum wage law by hiring illegals.  Here is another strong point proposed by the same website:
In any case, illegal aliens are not just picking lettuce and digging ditches any more. It wasn't that long ago that being a dry-waller, brick-layer, house framer, painter, roofer, carpet layer, plumber, or electrician was a decently compensated, middle class trade. Now it is increasingly becoming the work for illegal aliens at far less than the free market rate.
If illegal aliens come into America with some skill, they can get a job fairly easily and will work for cheap.  This not only denies an American a job, but drives the wages down.

So what should we do about it?  First of all, make sure the borders are secure. Eliminating illegal migrants are an easy way to cut down on drugs and tax evasion.  Make sure everyone has a social security number and is documented. I believe that the money spent on protecting the US will yield a far greater return on the legitimacy of our society.

Second of all, charge a high fee to enter the US (with exceptions to refugees, of course).  Or if this is too radical, at least charge a high tax on all money leaving the US.  For example, if a Mexican worker wants to send a $100 paycheck back to his family, tax him $25 of those dollars.  This can help to reduce the federal budget.

And makes sure you tax the hell out of people who come to America just for college, and then go right back to their home country.

I'm just glad that immigration is working its way to the top of Obama's agenda.  We'll see what happens.

We should build an underground fence as well, to prevent things like this from happening.

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You got it?

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"I accidentally ordered an extra entree, can you come and eat if for me?"
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"You know what they say about assuming?"
"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
Dumb: "Quit being such a smart ass!"

Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

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Only in America:

-Can you walk the streets without getting shot
-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
-Will you be allowed to elect your leaders
-You don't have to put barbed wire around your yard
The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from