Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ISU Espionage: Part II, The Greeting

This is the Wednesday after spring break.  If Wednesday and spring break were racing, spring break would have already finished the race.  Therefore, I am done with my spring break, but have yet to complete my Wednesday after spring break.

As you can see from my previous post I had a quaint adventure over spring break (which is already over.  So over, in fact, that it is already the Wednesday after spring break).  I went up to ISU (Iowa State University) on Sunday.  I loaded up my glorious Grand Caravan with all my supplies (gameboy + pokemon) and took off for Ames.  In my 1998 Dodge Grand Caravan I also had two college students, my sister and her roommate. My van is two-toned colored.  A fading white (don't ask how white can fade, it just can) and a growing rust.  The mix of these exquisite colors adds to the overall beauty of the vehicle, and distracts the viewer from the gaping hole in the side of the door.

We were loaded, literally.  A months worth of laundry from two college kids, three huge backpacks, and various other utensils (spatula, wooden spoon, and egg slicer).  I think 'Ole Grumbly averaged about 13 miles per gallon.  That impressed me.  It impressed me about as much as the freshman who brought a rotten egg into the locker room.  Actually I bet the van impressed me a little more.

Enough nonsense.  I was heading towards Ames.  Jack Johnson was playing.  Two hours later we arrived and I parked in a parking lot.  By "parked" I mean that I pulled the van into an open parking space, shifted the gears of the van into 'park,' and then turned the key of the van into the 'off' position.  The car was now off and successfully parked in the parking lot.  In other words, I had parked the car (or van, depending on your generalizing tendencies).  In even other words, I had arrived at Iowa State University, home of Jack Trice Stadium.  In different words than before, I had arrived at my destination, which happened to be Iowa State University.

We unpacked and chilled for a bit as I got to watch my sister greet each and every member of her house, "OMG!!! I haven't seen you in soooo long!!! How was your break!?!"  To which each member of her house would reply, "OMG!!! LEA!!! I've missed you! My break was good, check out these new clothes I got!"  Apparently girls love clothes.  All the girls on that floor seriously spent about 2 hours talking about all the new clothes they bought over break and where they got it.

They looked something like this.

The guys did not really greet my sister like that.  They would answer more something like this, "Lea! Hey! My break was dece, I got to play video games all week.  I prestiged twice!" Then they would go play Call of Duty, and rightfully so.  Most males would be smart to leave the area when the topic of "fashion" or "clothing" comes up.

The greetings were soon over, and dinner plans were made.  Dinner is to be discussed at another time.

Pic of excited teens from

Sunday, March 21, 2010

ISU Espionage: Pre Trip

Right now I am sitting at my computer in a red shirt and jeans.  I just got back from church, where the priest had a UNI hat on for the last part of mass.  Last week the priest put on an Irish headpiece.  I'm not quite sure what is up with my church and strange headwear, but I kind of like it.  No big deal.

Moving on.  As some of you might know, Spring Break is here.  For the next week, I do not have to go to school at all.  Some might find it ironic that this week I am going to THREE schools, non of which are for high schoolers.  I decided to make this Spring Break my college getaway.  I'll be leaving today to go up to ISU, where I will stay in someones dorm for the next two nights (not quite sure who's dorm, but I'm assuming someone will let me stay with them).

Our plan is to leave in the afternoon in the white van.  We will drive for two hours and arrive after we have driven those two hours.  Once those two hours in the car are over, we will be at our destination.  Our destination will be arrived at by us after two hours in the van.  Once the van has traveled two hours with us inside, we will be at our location of arrival.  You get the picture.  Two hours.  One van.  Great fun.

Now some people are probably asking, what in the world are you going to do up at ISU? What can you possibly want to do up there? 

There are plenty of things to do that will immerse me in college culture.  Call it a cultural collision if you will, but it will be fun.  Today once we arrive at our destination, which happens to be 2 hours away if traveling by car, I plan on unpacking and getting settled into my new temporary home.  By that time it will probably be 3:30 or so, and then I'm assuming all the college students around me will start doing homework that they saved until tonight.

And yes, I know there will be studying because they are on the honors floor.  Honors students always procrastinate.  

So anyway, everyone will be studying so my plan is to find the few people that aren't studying, and play some Call of Duty with them.  I hear everyone in college plays Call of Duty, so it should be a good start to my spring break.  Or maybe I will just do some of my own homework, and git'r'dunn (sp?).  

As for dinner, we will probably go out to eat somewhere and enjoy the nightlife of Ames, Iowa.  I'm not quite sure where we will go but I assure you, there will be food.

Procrastination motivational poster (<-- Thats an oxymoron) from:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Does Everyone Really Love Money?

I was reading one of my favoritve blogs today and I found that the South Paw Baseballer is quite the radical.  In his post about March Madness, he claims the following:

I mean, everyone loves money and don't try to deny it.
-South Paw Baseballer

Well Mr. SPB, I am trying to deny it.

To say that EVERYONE loves money is like saying EVERYONE has 10 fingers.

To say that EVERYONE loves money is like saying EVERYONE likes to receive massages.

To say that EVERYONE loves money is like saying EVERYONE loves spending money.*

To say that everyone LOVES money is like saying everyone LOVES brushing thier teeth.*

To SAY that everyone loves money is like SAYING that Obama is a terrorist.*

If you are going to generalize about the entire human population you need to do some research first.  I would expect one to gather a team of surveyers and have them go door-to-door, asking about each person's love of money.  Once all 6.65734523456352 billion people in the world have been surveyed, and all of them answer unanimiously, you can then say, "Everyone loves money."

But remember, love is a strong word.  Maybe "liking" money is more appropriate.

According to Google Dictionary,
Love is a very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically or sexually attracted to.
I think I speak for most people when I say, I am not sexually attracted to money.  Neither am I romantically attracted to money.  I can understand the strong feeling of affection for some people, but for others, money is just a problem.

If there were no money some lives would be easier.  Much of our life is spent scrambling around for money so we can buy stuff.  That is one of the reasons we have jobs.

Just because money is very important to our society, and our entire world, does not mean that each individual person "loves" money.

*Some of these don't make much sense.  Get over it.

The Meaning of Life Revisited

These past weeks I've learned a valuable lesson.

I was in the locker room after track one day and was chilling with three other guys.  We started talking about our plans for Friday night and how fun it was going to be.  Somehow the talk came around to this one girl who spends a lot of time studying, doing homework, etc.  One of us mentioned, "she needs to stop wasting her life."

Then one of the other guys said, "Maybe she's not wasting her life.  Shes leading it the way she wants to.  There is nothing wrong with that."

Now the situation wasn't exactly like that, but it made me realize: no one's life is better than anyone else's.

There is no ONE good way to lead your life, as long as you are satisfied with how you are living.  If you want to study, study! If you want to smoke pot, smoke! There is nothing wrong with that, its just how you want to live.

Often times people have been made fun of for staying home on weekends, making it seem like that is the "wrong" thing to do.  Why do we think that? Some people stay home, and as long as that is what they want to do, there is nothing wrong with it.

I believe that a good way to lead your life is one in which you don't let society's expectations drag you down and control your life.  Don't measure yourself up to society's standards.  Feel free to do something most people don't think is the "best" thing to do.  They probably won't care.  As the saying goes, "Those you matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter."

The lesson: it doesn't matter how you lead your life, as long as you are satisfied and happy with it.

Picture courtesy of

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It Just Makes Sense!

I heard rumor about the whole texting bill coming to Iowa, mostly from the Daily Donut.

Please let them pass this bill.  Imagine a cop pulling you over for texting...

First he makes sure you are in between the ages of 16 and...17?  A two year range?  Hmmm.  Maybe they should also ban alcohol from 27-28 year olds.  Or how about just prohibit soft drink consumption for 4-5 year olds.  Actually, you should probably stop 41-42 year olds from voting.

Second of all he asks if you were texting.  You say, "No."  Next he asks, "I saw you with your phone out."  You respond, "I was just dialing. My mom wants to know where I'm at."

He then says, "Oh, okay.  Be a safe driver."

He then walks back to his car and leaves. You drive to the party, get drunk, then drive back home with a phone in your hand.

So please, Iowa, please pass this bill.  Our streets will be much safer without texting.  The jobs of policemen will be a lot easier.  The state will save money.

Please pass this bill.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Frying Pan Chronicles, Part II

Anyways, as I was saying...I was doing the dishes one night and I had just completed stages 1-3 (see post bellow, The Frying Pan Chronicles, Part I.  I was in the fourth stage, which requires that I put the clean and dry dishes away in their proper spot.

Everything was going fine.  I would pick up a dish and put it away in its appropriate container.  Everything was going fine, until I got to the frying pan.

My family keeps the pots and pans under the counter, to the left of this sink.  I knelt down to open up the cabinet.  I opened up the cabinet.

I then reached for the frying pan and moved to put it away under the counter.  I picked up the frying pan and...

I smashed the edge of the frying pan into the bridge of my nose.  It felt like my entire cranium was rearranged as my brain was dented with stainless steel pan.  It took me a few seconds to realize what had happened

As I brought the pan off the counter to put it in the cupboards, I apparently decided that I wasn't getting enough outside punishment.  Instead of putting the pan into the cupboard, I put it into my head.

I recovered and then put the pan away, blood still on the side.  I brought my hand up to my nose and felt the warmth of blood.  I then got a tissue to stop the bleeding, and eventually it stopped.

I still have the mark on my nose.

Frying pan base pic from

The Frying Pan Chronicles, Part I

I have a question for everyone...  It is a quaint question, one characterized by both sounds and meaning.  The question may confound you, or simply make you roll your eyes in under appreciation.....

(Four days later)

Darn.  Don't you just hate it when you save a post, thinking you will come back to it in a day or two, and then completely forget where you were going with it?  That just happened.  I seriously forgot the "quaint question" I was going to ask.  This sucks.  Now I want to know the question!  What is this question?  Okay, it appears I must go on.  I cannot continue this quest for the question in my blog post.

(Funny Joke: What happens when you put a quest in water? It becomes a quest-ion)

As I was saying...I was doing the dishes one night, just as usual.  I generally do the dishes twice or three times a week, and it is always an average task.  I do no necessarily enjoy doing the dishes, nor do I necessarily dislike doing the dishes.  Doing the dishes would be equivalent to putting on clothes.  I do not necessarily enjoy putting on clothes, nor do I especially loathe clothing myself.

No sexist jokes, please.

As I was saying...I was doing the dishes one night.  I had just finished the washing stage of doing this dishes.  Generally, when doing the dishes, there are 4 stages to completion.

  • The first stage involves basic organization and bulk load reducing.  This stage involves putting the majority of the dishes in the dish washer, and then running the dish washer if it is full.  If the dishwasher isn't completely full you can probably run it the next day after breakfast.  By doing this you save running a load which has many benefits in synergy.  This stage also involves starting up the sink for dish washing.  Some would consider the sink preparatory period an entire new stage, but for the purpose of length we will call it part of the Organizational stage.  
    • In the sink preparatory period, you must fill up the sink with bubbles and water.  You generally get a wash cloth and possibly a pan scrapper if necessary.

  • The second stage is known as the "Washing" stage.  This is the stage where the dishes go from dirty to clean.  To complete this stage you must scrub each dish with the rag/pan scrapper, making sure it is clean.  Some people like to wear rubber gloves during this stage to help reduce dry skin and such.  Others simply like to use lotion because it feels good.  An aspect of the "Washing" stage is the "Rinsing Stage."
    • In the Rinsing stage, you need to take the scrubbed clean dishes and rinse them under water (generally from the faucet). This removes bubbles and any excess dirt still on the dishes.

  • The next stage is one of the more crucial stages.  This stage brings the dishes from a "clean" character to a "clean and dry" character.  This stage is called the Drying stage.  This stage is quite simple: you dry the dishes.  If you need further explanation, please read this.

  • The last stage in washing dishes is definitely full of controversy.  Some people will not even consider this stage part of the dish washing cycle. And yet I assure you, it is.  The "Putting Away" stage is both necessary and influential in the final effect of the dish washing cycle.  You put the dishes away in their spot.  

To be continued.....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Pokemon Revival

Today I was walking down the halls and then next thing I knew I was on the floor.  I got up and looked around, and saw a boy walking down the hall with a green gameboy in his hand.  Apparently this guy was playing his pokemon game, and didn't realize he had just ran into me and pushed me onto the floor. 

I then looked to my left and saw another guy, this time with a clear/purple gameboy in his hand.  He was also playing pokemon.  I then glanced above me, and I saw another person hanging from the ceiling, playing pokemon.

I then glanced to my right and saw a couple making out. 

It seems like every spring/winter, around this time of year, pokemon comes back.  Maybe people are bored of the winter snow and need entertainment.  Maybe people are just getting sick of school and don't feel like paying attention when they can battle the Elite Four once again.  Or maybe they just play pokemon because it is awesome and fun.
The pouches in their cheeks discharge electricity at their opponents. The Pikachu are believed to be highly intelligent.

Pokemon is one of the better ways to pass the time.  It teaches lifelong friendship, companionship, and camaraderie.  It also promotes strong feelings of fellowship and bonding.  Overall, pokemon is a very influential game, in a highly positive way.

Without pokemon, our society would have no morals.  In pokemon, you have to battle the evil Team Rocket that try to take over pokemon and use them in a bad way.  You are the "good" guy, and you defeat the evil organization in every game.  This shows a basic understanding of good vs. evil, and promotes morals.  It also inflicts prejudice and racism towards Arabs and blacks (one of the negatives).

Pokemon also has a strong tendency to favor happiness.  Everyone knows that a happy pokemon is a strong pokemon, so we learn to keep pokemon happy.  The influence of this can be seen in various businesses throughout our nation: you will occasionally see a company that tries to keep thier employees happy, much like a pokemon trainer keeps his/her pokemon happy.

The same effect can be seen in the food industry. When you eat good food, you generally get happy.  The food industry knows this, and does it on purpose.  When pokemon trainers feed pokemon berries to increase health points, the pokemon generally get happier.  This correlates strongly with the food industry trying to feed us "good" food and make us happy. 

Pokemon also promotes money management among teens and younglings. In Gold and Silver version, you have the chance to have your "mom" save your "money."  Everytime you beat a trainer you get money, and part of it is sent to mom.  This has had a significant impact on the financial world, shown in the emergence of Roth IRAs.  Roth IRAs model themselves after the pokemon system of saving money.  Each month (battle) you put a certain amount of money into the bank (mom's house). 

In fact, the US Government was so heavily impacted by pokemon, it started the great depression.  In pokemon, when you "save" money with your mom, your mom has the option of taking it out and buying random things with it.  She sometimes buys pokedolls, potions, and pokemail.  The US Banks have been imitating this by loaning out your money to other banks, and spending it on other things.  Back in the Great Depression era, the banks (mom) spent all the money, so you had none to take out when you needed it. 

Pikachu image from

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Sonic Diaries

Today was the release of the award winning essay, "The Sonic Diaries."  I realize that this blog is about as close to published as my essay will ever get, so I decided to throw this out here.

Let me know what you think.

The Sonic Diaries

¶1                                                      BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP “Someone better answer that damn switchboard!” yelled my boss, “Or I’m gonna beat each and every one of you!”  How pleasant.  How delightful.  What more can you want? To be audibly assaulted by the incessant beeping of an inanimate electronic object then berated by an overbearing boss; it really doesn't get any better.

¶2                                                      Sadly, that was my life.  For the three summer months that are supposed to be the glory days of a teenager, I lived the underappreciated life of a fast food worker. I had heard all the stories about teenage jobs. Working sounded like a pretty good time, one where the drudgeries of food service were tempered by hilarious coworkers, free French fries, and a bi-weekly paycheck. Let me tell you; it wasn’t.

¶3                                                      After searching around the city I found an opening at Sonic Drive-Ins, a fast food chain.  My foot jittered with anticipation above the pedal of my white mini van as I drove across town to pick up my application.  I parked the car and gleefully walked up to the mailbox that read “Application Forms.”  I opened up the rusty metal box and reached in to pick up a form.  Expecting the crisp feel of an 8 ½ by 11’ piece of paper, I was surprised to feel something wet and mushy. I pulled out my hand, only to find it covered in ketchup and mustard. 

¶4                                                      I looked into this esteemed mailbox and saw a cheeseburger smashed onto the applications.  Apparently, someone had decided that the best way to get hired was to turn in a cheeseburger instead of the traditional paper application. Maybe they thought a sample of their work would impress the boss, maybe they just wanted to show their middle finger to the system. Either way, I did not appreciate their addition to the applications.  I picked out the cleanest application I could find and filled it out.  My first step to fast food success was complete.

¶5                                                      A few weeks later I received a call to come in for an interview.  I dressed up in black slacks and a nice white polo to impress my potential boss.  Walking into the “restaurant” I got some weird looks.  Apparently, looking respectable is not something that's common in a place like Sonic.

¶6                                                      The interview went smoothly and soon enough I had a job.  The next day was training.  Training new employees at Sonic consists of watching a five minute sanitation video and going straight to work.  After watching employees of various ethnicities wipe animated germs off a counter, my job began.  The manager decided to start me off taking orders. 

¶7                                                      When a customer drives up to Sonic, they press a button at their eating station and a persistent beeper goes off inside the store.  To make the aggravating noise stop, an employee must answer the switchboard and take the customer’s order. The switchboard is a medium sized black podium with over 200 buttons.  Each button corresponds with a different food item, ranging from the “JalapeƱo Super Sonic Cheeseburger” to the “Java Mocha Chiller Cream Delight.”  The instructions given were simple: “When someone says what they want, press the button of the food.”  It sounded easy enough.

¶8                                                      I was waiting patiently when it happened.  BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP rang from the speaker; a customer was ready to order.  I excitedly pressed the black button to start taking the order when I realized I had no idea what to say.  Here I was, on the line with a good paying customer, and I was speechless.  After a glare from my manager I said, “Hi.  This is Sonic. What do you want help ordering?”  After a brief pause, what sounded like a young male, age 27, red hair, 180 lbs, single, started reeling off a list of food items he wanted.  He spent a good 3 minutes barking off all the burgers, fries, and drinks he wanted, not to mention the excessive condiments. 

¶9                                                      This man was talking as fast as a cheetah and felt no need to pause at all.  I was supposed to be taking his order by pressing buttons, but that didn’t happen.  During these two minutes I was in panic mode, and the orders rolled right by. All that registered was a “small fry” and a “did you get that?” at the very end.  Being polite (and still in panic mode), I said “Yes, we will have that out to you shortly.”  I quickly cut off the connection.  The screen in front of me was supposed to have his order, but it was blank.  I decided I needed a bathroom break, and I walked away with a red face. 

¶10                                                   10 minutes later the switchboard rang again, BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP.  It was the same man from before.  He asked, “Is my food ready yet? I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes!”  I didn’t know what to say, so I hung up on him without saying a word.  I thought the man would just leave, but then…  BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP.  This time, I didn’t even answer. I let it ring.  I went back to the bathroom. 

¶11                                                   A few minutes later I went back to the front area and saw my boss on the switchboard with the man from before.  My boss said “What do you mean I already took your order?!”  The man replied “I gave you my order and you said it would be right out! Screw it, I’m leaving.  Keep your nasty food!” 

¶12                                                   After giving me a stern lecture and threatening to fire me, my boss he decided to move me over to the drive-thru window.  When working at drive-thru, you need to make drinks for the customers and hand food out the window, along with collecting their payments.  They told me it was impossible to mess this part up.

¶13                                                   Now, before I go any further, I must fill you in on a crucial aspect of the Sonic Drive-In restaurant: the floors.  When a fast food chef (if you can call them chefs) makes a greasy burger, he or she is under a two minutes time constraint.  When asked to make a burger that quickly, the chef does not care where the excess grease goes.  The excess grease goes to the floor.  The floor becomes slippery.

¶14                                                   I was saying; I was now working at drive-thru.  A customer had ordered a strawberry cream slush, cheese tots, and a croisSonictm sandwich.  The food was all cooked, bagged up, and ready to be handed out.  I took the bag, opened the window, and started to hand the bag to the lady in the car.  The customer decided she didn’t need to pull up close to the building, so I had to lean way out of the window to give her the food.  As the lady opened her hand to accept the food, my feet started to slip on the greasy floor. I felt my body tipping forward, and my feet lost all traction they had on the poorly cleaned floor. 

¶15                                                   As I slid forward, the lady in the car looked at me expectantly, not realizing I was about to fall out the window.  Doing what any sane person would do, I quickly threw the food and drink at the lady in the car.  I saved myself from going out the window, and gave the customer a sticky surprise at the same time.  The lid on the cream slush wasn’t snapped on tightly, and it came off during the air travel.  I looked at the lady, who now had a blended mix of ice cream and strawberries all over her blouse.  “Are you serious?!” she yelled, “What the hell is wrong with you!?”  I quickly shut the window and turned away. The lady drove off without paying; I didn’t care.

¶16                                                   After my first day in the service industry, I was left wondering; is the crappy pay really worth all this?  Getting ridiculed, hated on, and pissed off; why take it?  I was going to quit right then and there.  I wanted to be done with this horrifying place; forever.  I was about to make a scene when I realized that I want a future.  College doesn’t pay for itself, and no way in hell was I going to end up in a place like this for the rest of my life.  And come on, where else do you get paid to throw food out a window?


Picture from 

You got it?

I offered to give him speech lessons. He didn't respond.
A hot dog is God's Toe.
Best pickup line ever:

"I accidentally ordered an extra entree, can you come and eat if for me?"
Statistically, I will live forever. I have been living for over 5,000 days. During each of those days, I have lived the whole time. Probability says I am immortal.

(Probability also said Michigan would beat Appalachian State)
You know we're doomed if we idol a guy named "Young Jeezy." Funniest name ever.

"You know what they say about assuming?"
"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
Dumb: "Quit being such a smart ass!"

Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

-"Well, the short answer is no. But the long answer would be yes, it has one more letter."
-After drinking all that diet soda, I felt Splendid
-Drive up ATM's have braille for a good reason: Limit production cost (drive-up same as walk-up, so only one factory setting is needed) Plus, where else is the blind taxi driver going to get his money late at night?
Only in America:

-Can you walk the streets without getting shot
-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
-Will you be allowed to elect your leaders
-You don't have to put barbed wire around your yard
The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from