Saturday, February 6, 2010

To Text, Or Not To Text

Sometimes the topic of texting while driving comes up.  Side note: "Texting" is still not recognized by the spell checker.  Grow up internet.

Anyways, texting while driving.  I know quite a few people that do it.  Some people even brag about it.  I once read a study that said, "Texting while driving has the same effect as being drunk."  I kinda believe it. If your hands AND eyes are focused on a phone, as opposed to the road, bad things will happen.  Often times teens will not pay attention and rear end someone, or just drive off the side of the road. 

One time, a teenage girl even drove off a bridge while texting.  She was busy texting, "haha! thats great!," to her boyfriend when she didn't realize she had to turn a little to get onto the bridge.  Her car went through the railing and free fell into the river.  The driver didn't even realize she was falling until the car was completely submerged. 

I think I can see the cell phone light

Apparently she felt her socks getting wet, and then she looked up from her phone to see water on all sides of the car.  At this point she finished up her texting conversation and took another look.  Her car was about 25 feet below the water.

Thinking quickly, the girl called the police with her cell phone, who then brought in a submarine to tow her car to shore.  The girl received no injuries, but her boyfriend was a little annoyed that she stopped texting him to call for help.


  1. i feel that driving drunk is substantially more dangerous. Not only are you physically impaired, you are also mentally impaired. Your decision making would be lacking while drunk. While texting, you can have the sense to say, "shoot im swerving, i should look up at the road" while drunk, you may not even notice the swerving is occuring.

  2. You are both physically impaired and mentally impaired while texting. And I wasn't the one who said that, I'm just passing it along. You will have to argue with the scientist that researched that.

  3. This might help:

  4. Actually this is better:

  5. I feel like you made that story up about the girl whose socks got wet.

  6. I feel like you made up that comment.


You got it?

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-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
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The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from