Saturday, March 20, 2010

Does Everyone Really Love Money?

I was reading one of my favoritve blogs today and I found that the South Paw Baseballer is quite the radical.  In his post about March Madness, he claims the following:

I mean, everyone loves money and don't try to deny it.
-South Paw Baseballer

Well Mr. SPB, I am trying to deny it.

To say that EVERYONE loves money is like saying EVERYONE has 10 fingers.

To say that EVERYONE loves money is like saying EVERYONE likes to receive massages.

To say that EVERYONE loves money is like saying EVERYONE loves spending money.*

To say that everyone LOVES money is like saying everyone LOVES brushing thier teeth.*

To SAY that everyone loves money is like SAYING that Obama is a terrorist.*

If you are going to generalize about the entire human population you need to do some research first.  I would expect one to gather a team of surveyers and have them go door-to-door, asking about each person's love of money.  Once all 6.65734523456352 billion people in the world have been surveyed, and all of them answer unanimiously, you can then say, "Everyone loves money."

But remember, love is a strong word.  Maybe "liking" money is more appropriate.

According to Google Dictionary,
Love is a very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically or sexually attracted to.
I think I speak for most people when I say, I am not sexually attracted to money.  Neither am I romantically attracted to money.  I can understand the strong feeling of affection for some people, but for others, money is just a problem.

If there were no money some lives would be easier.  Much of our life is spent scrambling around for money so we can buy stuff.  That is one of the reasons we have jobs.

Just because money is very important to our society, and our entire world, does not mean that each individual person "loves" money.

*Some of these don't make much sense.  Get over it.

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You got it?

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