Sunday, April 11, 2010

Who is this mysterious "She?"

NHS is due this Friday.  In other words, I need 6 hours of community service by this Friday.  If I were a good student, I would have gotten all my hours done months ago.  I've known about the community service requirements for nearly 5 months and yet here I am, with a blank blue sheet in front of me.  This should be a fun week.

^That was me last week.  On Saturday I went to Taft Middle School to help out my mom with her Monarch Butterfly Habitat Garden.  She is a landscape designer, and she designed a nice garden that will serve as a "way-point" for the butterflies.

Butterfree vs. Venonat

After I finished my ACT (which took longer than usual because someone didn't know how to write in cursive at the end) I headed over to Taft.  I walked around one side of the school and saw the rest of the volunteers.  Apparently this was somebody's Eagle Scout project.  There were about 20 other people there, most of them were boy scouts or parents of boy scouts or small children.  Everyone was eating lunch and I thought it would be a good time to get some free food.  I took some pizza, snacks, and water, and fueled up for the project.

Most of the boy scouts were freshmen in high school.  There was one girl that everyone was sitting around.  I think they were trying to get with her (just kidding, they're boy scouts).  The conversation came to cell phones and she said, "I hate my phone because it always turns off randomly!"  One of the boys replied, "That's what she said!"

Now I've had my fair share of failed That's What She Said jokes, but this one was far worse.  Everyone that was eating was like, "Uhhhh, what? That doesn't make any sense?"  Then he said, "TURNS OFF RANDOMLY!!! DUHH GUYS!"

This is perfect example of what I like to call TWSS BUZZWORDS.  Otherwise known as That's what she said buzzwords, these words are crucial to every thats what she said joke.  In the previous example, "Turns off (or on) was the buzzword.  Most of these casual words have no inappropriate meanings when used in daily conversation.  A few examples include:


All of these words come up in normal conversation all the time.  In our society, however, there is a ban on words like these.  If any of these above words come up the conversation stops.  There is a large chance that somebody will say "That's what she said" and humiliation occurs.  It seems like I can no longer talk about positioning hard rocks into tight places during the rain without someone making a sexual reference.

In retaliation I have come up with a few comebacks to that's what she said jokes.  If someone calls TWSS on you, simply use one of the following lines.

-Shut up.  You've never been with a girl in your life.
-Since when have you started calling your mom "She?"
-Why would she say that? Ever?
-Don't you need a license to be that ugly?
-Really? I thought you were gay.

The above comebacks were tailored to insult guys because generally females avoid that's what she said jokes.  Occasionally a girl will say that's what she said, and that makes it acceptable.

The worst thing is when a guy says, "That's what he said."  Isn't that kind of like saying, "I was with a guy"?

Monarch from

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You got it?

I offered to give him speech lessons. He didn't respond.
A hot dog is God's Toe.
Best pickup line ever:

"I accidentally ordered an extra entree, can you come and eat if for me?"
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(Probability also said Michigan would beat Appalachian State)
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"You know what they say about assuming?"
"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
Dumb: "Quit being such a smart ass!"

Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

-"Well, the short answer is no. But the long answer would be yes, it has one more letter."
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Only in America:

-Can you walk the streets without getting shot
-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
-Will you be allowed to elect your leaders
-You don't have to put barbed wire around your yard
The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from