Thursday, October 15, 2009

Better Blogging: Quality Control

The Blogger International just released a graph of blog quality, and I copied it into this post.  It shows some very interesting correlations; let me know what you think.

The pink line represents the quality of blog posts over time.  As you can see, they start out relatively low; at 7/10. At this point, the blogger doesn't know how to work the shotgun.  As the blogger gets more experience and reads more episodes of Better Blogging, he/she writes better posts. The blogger learns how to load and fire. At the third or fourth week of blogging, the quality reaches a climax, and some of the most outstanding blogs are produced.

During this peak time, the blogger has plenty of ideas to write about, and therefore has plenty of ammo in his shotgun.  Once the blogger runs out of ammo (ideas), he/she finds herself scraping for topics.  The blogger probably will start to make up topics that don't relate to the overall theme of the blog. Hell, they might even write about how they are running out ideas, or about how other people are running out of ideas.

You can see after week four how the quality declines, and eventually levels off around a (7/10) rating.  This is quite sad.  There are a few reasons for this depression:

1) Like I said, the blogger is running out of things to talk about.  They simply ramble or make up random junk.

2) The novelty of blogging is wearing off.  They are sick of reading other peoples blogs, and aren't as interested in blogging as they first used to be.

3) They are getting more and more homework during the week, and are forced to do all three blog posts late Sunday night.  They just want to finish up the word count for the grade, rather than for the actual purpose.

4) Their computers deteriorate over time, causing anger and pissed-off-ness to the blogger. This makes blog posts full of anger, decreasing their quality.

5) They are doing it on purpose, to give me something to blog about.

Possible Solutions:

1) Whenever you come up with a blog idea, write it down.  This can be done by typing it into your phone, writing it on your forehead, or carving it into your 3rd hour desk.

2) Don't procrastinate on blogging.  Nobody wants to write 1,200 words on Sunday night.  God doesn't want you to write 1,200 words on Sunday night either, its the Sabbath.  Spread it out like thawed butter over an English muffin.

3) GET INVOLVED.  Read other people's blogs, possibly responding to them.  I have gotten many topic ideas from reading other peoples blogs, and have also gotten in a few arguments along the way.  And it helps you to meet new people.  You can go up to someone and say "Hey, I read your blog, let's be friends" and generally they will say "Ok, you're weird. But let's still be friends."

4) Blog about fun things. Things that entertain you.  Have a funny post in there every once in a while.

Just live your life 

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You got it?

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