Thursday, October 8, 2009

I Want To Make Myself Believe, That Planet Earth. Turns. Slowly.

So I was stting in AP Lang one day, when someone started blaring "Fireflies" by Owl City.  I was very offended, so I stormed out out of the room.  The person chased me with a portable boombox, and forced me to listen to the song.  He said he would beat me up if I didn't post this on my website.

So, here it is.

I, like every other teenage person, think "Fireflies" is an awesome song.  There is just something about that classic slow toned voice that makes you sing along. 

If you can listen to that song without dancing a little and signing a note or two, let me know, and we can make fun of you.

Tune in to the next edition of Better Blogging to learn about editing Youtube Video Sizes!

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^"Grazing Alpaca" from wikimedia commons at


  1. lol good song. I just bought it on itunes. And i have to say it is very hard to stand still (don't beat me up please)

  2. Poor Keenan, it was him who started blasting it. Last I heard, I was a teenager, but I don't think that song is very awesome. I did when I first heard it, but then, unfortunately, I grew tired of it. LAWLZ.
    Expand your musical horizons, Mikey.

    Happy Blogging,
    Your friendly, neighborhood Chocolat Blanc
    бял шоколад(bulgarian)
    cioccolato bianco(italian)
    व्हाइट चॉकलेट(hindi)
    seacláid bhán(irish-whaaa? last i heard they spoke english...)


  3. I appreciate the polylinguality of your comment, it adds some much needed diversity to this blog.

    A HA! I knew you teenage girls use "lawlz"...

    And yes, after replaying the lyrics in my head for the past 36 1/2 hours, it isn't the freshest.

    BTW you bailed on me that one day when you wanted me to help you with chemistry. (You didn't show up in time).

  4. Oh, but I will be there the next time I need your help. What happened was, I actually met up with your good friend Shane, and we basically walked around until I just asked his help.

    But next time the only person who I'll grace with the allowance of homework helping me is you, Mikey J (and possibly Mr. Herkelman or Mrs. Bush). You should feel special.

    ps. Remember when you and Michael put goldfish into the mall fountain? LAWLZ;)

  5. Ooooo. I see how it is. You "met up" with Shane.

    By "walked around" you mean "walked around" to the bathroom...

    And how did you know about the Lawzling goldfish?


You got it?

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