Monday, October 5, 2009

Street Smarts vs. Book Smarts

I have been meaning to get to this topic.

Street Smarts vs. Book Smarts.

First of all, we need to compare the pros and cons of each one:

Street Smarts:
Pros: It is very popular, easy, based at school, you get a free t-shirt, flexible scheduling.
Cons: Very expensive, bad class times, forced driving.

Book Smarts:
Pros: Doesn't really exist, so you don't have to do anything, no time commitment
Cons: Doesn't really exist, so it doesn't count for drivers education. No free t-shirt.

Ha ha ha.  That was hilarious. I could probably run my own blog.

BTW Look for a new and improved Street Smarts ad in the upcoming edition or Torch! Coming out October 23!

For more information on how to make this ^ line, tune in to the next edition of Better Blogging.

Back to the subject.  I hate strongly dislike it when people say "O yea, well he may be book smart, but isn't street smart."

This actually makes me laugh.

Street smart? As in, "I can go live on the streets and survive?" Oh man, you're right!  I can't live on the street! Dude, You are so better than me!  I am in trouble, I don't know where the best dumpsters are, I don't know where the most comfortable benches are.  I don't know what overpasses the security guards forget to check at night!  Dang, I guess I'm screwed for life.

Maybe that person was talking about gangsta stuff.  Like drugs.  "Oh man! You're right! I can't tell speedy black tar grapple hair bull crack from electric lime fruitzen crunch muffin block jungle jim tack dog! Oh Lord, save me!  How will I ever be successful in the future if I can't tell those simple drugs apart?!  Someone should come and shoot me right now!

Or maybe, just maybe, because it's Tuesday, or because your mom's name is Gertrude, that person is talking about practical applications of learned concepts. Well...hmmm... obviously that person is book smart.

                                                                       The end.

1 comment:

  1. I haz another blog now.

    this one will eventually be Seinfeldish like yours is. (about nothing)

    check the link on The Relay.


You got it?

I offered to give him speech lessons. He didn't respond.
A hot dog is God's Toe.
Best pickup line ever:

"I accidentally ordered an extra entree, can you come and eat if for me?"
Statistically, I will live forever. I have been living for over 5,000 days. During each of those days, I have lived the whole time. Probability says I am immortal.

(Probability also said Michigan would beat Appalachian State)
You know we're doomed if we idol a guy named "Young Jeezy." Funniest name ever.

"You know what they say about assuming?"
"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
Dumb: "Quit being such a smart ass!"

Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

-"Well, the short answer is no. But the long answer would be yes, it has one more letter."
-After drinking all that diet soda, I felt Splendid
-Drive up ATM's have braille for a good reason: Limit production cost (drive-up same as walk-up, so only one factory setting is needed) Plus, where else is the blind taxi driver going to get his money late at night?
Only in America:

-Can you walk the streets without getting shot
-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
-Will you be allowed to elect your leaders
-You don't have to put barbed wire around your yard
The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from