I have donated some of my time to help out the world with their financial non-spendencies. Listed below are some great ways to spend your money.
1) Go to Wendy's everyday for lunch. Order a classic triple, double stack, and large frosty. Pay with a 20 dollar bill. Take the change, and place it in the garbage can. Once you receive your food, go outside and place it on the roof of the nearest minivan. Do this everyday.
2) Go to the front foyer of school, and pull out a hundred dollar bill. Raise it up in the air, and shout "free! free!" Give it to the first person that asks for it.
3) Find a computer, and go to ebay.com. Bid 1,000 dollars on a energy pokemon card. When the card comes in the mail, bring it to Wendy's and throw it in the garbage can.
4) Go to a restaurant, order a side salad, and eat it. When you are finished with the side salad, leave the wait (er/ress) a large tip, preferably over $100. After the tip has been placed on the table, go to all the other tables in the restaurant, and place a $100 bill on each of those. Do not worry if other patrons give you funny looks.
5) Go to your bank, speak with the teller, and make a large withdrawal. For this step to have the biggest effect, withdraw everything in your account. Take all the money you received, and place it in your wallet. Next, drive to Wendy's. Order a jr. bacon cheeseburger, but do not give the cashier any money. He may be annoyed with you. Do not worry. Simply place your wallet in the garbage can, and walk out the door.
By this time, your bank account should be empty, and your wallet should be in the garbage. If you followed the steps correctly, you should have spent your money successfully.
P.S. If you ever see money on the floor do NOT pick it up. We do not want all of our efforts to go to waste!
Above money pic from http://uk2.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/mooooney.jpg
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