Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Into...

I would agree that the title of a blog post has a big impact on the number of people who read the post.  Some titles are exciting, while others are boring.  Some titles are witty, and others yet, are unoriginal.  Some titles are all caps, while other remain in a dismal lowercase. Some titles do not even exist (these are the best, because you don't know what the post is about, and must read the entire thing). 

Some titles are long, some are short.  Some have meaning, some retort.  Some rhyme, some chyme, but all spend time (on the internet).  Some make you think of life, others fill your head with strife.  Some titles have simple structure, and yet some contain the complexity one would expect from a chemical formula.  Some titles come from stormula, and others still corn you la.  Some are poetic, some contain togetic (which is a pokemon).  Some remind you of girls, of whirls, of twirls.  Some titles remind you of lying, crying, and dying (in that order). Some titles are funny, like a bunny.  Some titles can't find their soul, as if...as if there is a large hole, that God has stole...from the heart.  Decipher this chart, and in it will be a boy.  Boy as in toy, bringing joy.  Some titles make you remember the Batttle of Troy, while others make you forget the Gazette. Some titles make no sense, some titles meant for a post to go one way, and then the author wakes up from his/her writing trance 10 minutes later, realizing he/she has written a terrible poem about titles, and has not, in fact, written about Falling into a deep meditation.  

This brings up another point.  Generally I have a blog idea, and come up with a good title, and then start blogging about something completely different.  I get distracted while writing sometimes. Sometimes my writing gets distracted by me.  Sometimes I realize writing is just words, which is just letters, which is just lines, which mean the world. 

The world is made of lines.  Without lines, nothing would exist, nothing but circles.  Circles have no point.  Because the world is made of lines, there is a point to the world.  The world has a meaning.  How many other planets are out there? Why are there so many stars? Why have we not been contacted by aliens? Maybe we have been contacted by aliens, but our government is hiding it.  What is our government hiding?  Is it underneath the Hoover Dam? Is Megan Fox hot? Did anyone catch that transformer's reference? Does anyone pay attention in school? Yes, they do.  There is always that Hermione Granger in ever class.  With curly hair, straight A's, in love with Ron... Its only a matter of time, before we all burn.  Its only a matter of time before I run out of free listening hours on Pandora. I laughed and danced, through the my bedroom.  Everything will be alright. I already ran out of listening hours on Pandora. I thought I could just create another account and start over with 40 new hours, but no.  Apparently it is limited to 40 hours per computer... That means I spent over 40 hours with my computer on during the past month.  That is approx 1.2 hours per day.  That is approx the amount of time I spend on homework in one day.  Wrong.  I spend less than that.  Wrong again, I spend more than that.  Wrong again, it depends on a variety of things.  Wrong again, it only depends on one thing.  Wrong again, nothing depends on only one thing.  Everything is connected.  I dare you to give me two things, any two things, and I will relate them.  Even if it is just by a common letter, or by a common thought. Because I ran out of listening hours on Pandora, I had to switch to Last.fm.  

I read something today, something interesting.  "If everyone would just be happy, we would have no sad people."  So everyone, just be happy.  Don't worry about anything, just be happy.  The only problem with that is, we can't control our happiness as much as we would like.  Here I am, a hypocrite.  Didn't I just say that we can change our outlook on things to make us happier?  I thought I said that one time.  That you should just be happy, it was the number two way to improve your life. I also think this post is a continuation of a previous post, a certain post with a chart/graph on it.  That certain post with a chart/graph on it said that over time, the quality of blogs would diminish.  I don't know about you, but it seems as if the quality of this blog has diminished.  That is too sad, because I really enjoy making quality blogs.  Well then, I should make quality blogs, it shouldn't be too hard, write?  I mean I have topics, I just feel as if I need to back up my previous generalization.  I should stop that.  Actually I am riting poorli because of the deeper meaning of this blog.  Most people will probably put this blog off as a stupid kid just typing up whatever pops into his mind.  Wow. Last.fm kinda sucks.  Yea it is disappointing.  I miss Pandora...baby come back.  The song "ho" by Ludacris is mentally handicapped. Sorry, that was offensive.  "Ho" is not mentally handicapped. It is ridiculous.  Not suprising, Ludacris being ridiculous.  "Yous a ho" "I said that yous a ho".  It keeps playing that lyric over and over again.  And there is strange women talking in the background. 

Anyway, back to the deeper meaning of this post.  If you were to break this apart thought by thought, you would have a complete understanding of a teenage thought process during a blogging session.  Isn't that interesting?  Teens are random, they cannot stay focused.  Teens like fun, sitting on a block, disobeying the law.  Wow last.fm really sucks.  BTW I am not talking about Akon's song sucking, I think Soul Survivor is a good song.  Or should I say sizong. Finally a good song on Last.fm! Love lock down.  I think the vibe is wrong, this is haunting me, all the way through my blog.  I can never know, until its over.  NO NO NO NO NO.  This hasn't gone the way I wanted to.  I'll keep it low.  Everyone else don't have to read this.  Sounds like LA LA DOWN.  I'm not writing this, way I wanted to. I can't keep on track, so I keep it smooth. I can't keep myself, and still keep my blog.  How many times did I revise this blog before it finally went through? 3? 5? 6? You lose...  I'm just wasting time...when will this get over?  You lose...

I bet no one knew, that this blog would have shown up.  Keep the loving on. Only God knows, does this blog have true meaning?  Is there seriously a hidden meaning behind this post? I haven't been down this road too many times before, so I will keep this locked down.  Don't expect this kind of thing ever again. It is a one time deal. And it is actually over 1,200 words.  If anyone has read this far, I am sorry if you got nothing out of this.  My old teacher said that a good skill to have is to be able to learn something from anything.  Everything you see, watch, read, experience, etc, learn from it. I honestly did not do this for word count, I will probably have 3 other posts that are just as long. Lets see how this looks.  



  1. Wow, you beat my Animal Farm post in length. 1,282 not counting the title.

  2. I am embarrassed to have read this whole post.


You got it?

I offered to give him speech lessons. He didn't respond.
A hot dog is God's Toe.
Best pickup line ever:

"I accidentally ordered an extra entree, can you come and eat if for me?"
Statistically, I will live forever. I have been living for over 5,000 days. During each of those days, I have lived the whole time. Probability says I am immortal.

(Probability also said Michigan would beat Appalachian State)
You know we're doomed if we idol a guy named "Young Jeezy." Funniest name ever.

"You know what they say about assuming?"
"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
Dumb: "Quit being such a smart ass!"

Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

-"Well, the short answer is no. But the long answer would be yes, it has one more letter."
-After drinking all that diet soda, I felt Splendid
-Drive up ATM's have braille for a good reason: Limit production cost (drive-up same as walk-up, so only one factory setting is needed) Plus, where else is the blind taxi driver going to get his money late at night?
Only in America:

-Can you walk the streets without getting shot
-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
-Will you be allowed to elect your leaders
-You don't have to put barbed wire around your yard
The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from http://www.thewallpapers.org/photo/22996/2-Single_Acacia_Tree_at_Sunrise_Masai_Mara_Kenya.jpg