Thursday, September 24, 2009

Meaning of Life?

What the hell is wrong with us?

Why do we work so hard? Really guys, think about it, what is the point?

I was checking my planner tonight, and read "Prepare for in class essay tom" (Tom refers totomorrow, as in the day after today. It does not refer to Tom, a person). In class essay? What is this? Put 30 kids together in the same room and make them dispense ink on paper?!?!?

Wow, this could be the best invention since the laundry shredder.

Just look at the guy above. He is obviously writing an ICE (In case of emergency...wait I mean In class essay). I don't know about you, but I do not want to be that guy1. Seriously, look at him. He looks like he is about to kill himself, or at least burst out into tears. I do not want to kill myself, or burst out in tears for that matter. I would much rather be this guy:

This guy looks like a guy that has never written an in-class essay. I want to be this guy. Except with a dry shirt, his looks a bit damp.

Anyway, this brings me back to my point: Why are people so sad? Honestly people, we work so hard, and for what? Take a journey into your life. If I were to ask the average AP student "Why do you take such hard classes and try so hard?" he or she would probably reply with something like "Well, because I want to get good grades! Unlike you, Mikey."

To that I would reply, "Why do you want to get good grades?" They would say, "So I can get into a good college, unlike you!" To that I would reply, "Why do you want to get into a good college?"

Now at this point, an average person might be a bit flustered, but we AP students, we know how to defend ourselves. The average AP student would respond "So I can get a good job! Wow you are dum!"(and yes, they would incorrectly spell 'dumb' in their enunciation).

Again, "Why do you want a good job?" "...Silence Well, umm, because I want to make money, don't you?"

Where does it go from here? We all follow the same path. Try hard in school, get good grades; try hard in college, get good grades; try hard at work, get good money. For what?

I was reading in some magazine that some ridiculous 75% or so of Americans are unhappy. The magazine also showed that richer people are not any more happier than poor people.

You need to think about what you want in life. For many people, happiness is the ultimate goal, and yet very few people are generally happy. Blame the government, blame the school, blame Nathan's mom, but happiness is rare in adults. Set your goals, enjoy life, and most of all, Relax.

So tomorrow when you write your in class essay, smile. Enjoy the essay. Don't be like person number one. Be like number two. But please don't come to class dripping. And make sure your hair isn't sticking up in the back. But anyway, just enjoy it a little bit. Who gives a damn about grades? They mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Learn what you can, grow, live, and enjoy life. Peace.

Disclaimers: This post is a tad controversial. I could easily argue the other side and annihilate myself. I am just trying to explain another point of view. Don't get mad. More to come. Also I am not dissing on in class essays. I enjoy them as much as a rabid monkey enjoys a hot bath in a desert. And I like Barron's. I bought their book.

1) Actually this guy is probably a model, and is just posing for Barron's. He probably makes good money and has a lifestyle similar to person number two. I wouldn't mind being this guy.

Top pic courtesy of Roman's book store at I added the paint stuff.

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You got it?

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"You know what they say about assuming?"
"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
Dumb: "Quit being such a smart ass!"

Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

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The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from