Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wikipedia Random Article Analysis

I had a great idea for a post: Look for a random article on Wikipedia and discuss it in great detail. I couldn't wait to see what my idea would be, as I quickly typed in "" into my Google Chrome address bar. I had a small rush of excitement as the server redirected me to "" (not .com). I graciously clicked on the "English" button on the main page, and too my delight the link was working like a construction worker on a highway (JK, it was working like a charm).

I skimmed the page with much contentment and glanced at the "Random Article" button. I pressed it without much thought.

Now, the big moment. Which article will I get? Which article will I devote a whole blog post to? This is big. This could possibly be the biggest moment of my wikiblog connective life!

As the old page leaves the screen with white emptiness, my heart beats faster, my sympathetic nervous system kicks in, and I experience a small seizure.

I quickly recover, and look at the title of the newly loaded page. I was in disbelief! My page. The biggest moment of my life, resulted in :
Glucose-1-phospho-D-mannosylglycoprotein phosphodiesterase


What? This is a joke, right? Someone put that page in there just for me. Just so I would be forced to write about it, right? What is this? I dropped my head in shame, for thinking that my idea would be brilliant. For thinking my idea would even have the slightest hope of being moderately successful. What a shame. I looked at the title again. Glucose 1 phoso d mansadfaklsdfjasdlgkjasasd? There is no way I can write about this. I have no hope. I should give up now.

After the feelings of grief subsided, I performed introspection and looked upon my inner feelings. I got this page by chance. My destiny was this page, and I will fulfill my destiny. As a person I know would say, "Lets get it!"

Glucose-1-phospho-D-mannosylglycoprotein phosphodiesterase

Starting off from the top, Glucose means sugar. Sugar, so it tastes good. That's fun. Taste is fun. Who doesn't like to taste? Oh wait, I think that guy with the missing tongue doesn't like to taste. He says "It makes me choke." Nonsense, he would like this Glucose fo sho.

-1- Means 1. Number 1. The number one sugar. Beast.

Phospho. Hmm. Phospho sounds like "phosfitol." A gangster hospital. Nice.

-D- That must be the hospital owner's grade. A "d." Expected.

Mannosylglycoprotein. Sounds like a gangsta protein. Must be steroids. Crazy.

Phosphodiesterase. -Ase means enzyme. The enzyme that induce fits it all. Legit.

Overall, we have a gangstuh hospital whose owner has a moderately low GPA. At this hospital they serve the number one sugar out there, along with steroids for strength. The enzyme makes it all digestible. Some adjectives of "Glucose-1-phospho-D-mannosylglycoprotein phosphodiesterase" would be "beast, nice, expected, crazy, and legit." Hell, I'll do that.
I would explain the actual meaning of the article, except I have no idea what it means. Check it out

Not bad. Hopefully next week's random article turns out a bit better.

That's all for now, just do what you can.


  1. Nice Jeff. That is very sad that you happened to hit that article. why couldn't you land on shag carpet or something exciting? I like the random Wikipedia idea. There's a lot out there. Have fun with that. Sometimes, I look at all the pages in the funny languages they have. It's fun too.

  2. I agree. I will try to do a random article each week. Also I like to copy and paste a Chinese Wikipedia page into a Microsoft Word doc, and then save it to the computer's hard drive.

    They never to cleanups, so the Chinese article will be there forever...


You got it?

I offered to give him speech lessons. He didn't respond.
A hot dog is God's Toe.
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"I accidentally ordered an extra entree, can you come and eat if for me?"
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(Probability also said Michigan would beat Appalachian State)
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"You know what they say about assuming?"
"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
Dumb: "Quit being such a smart ass!"

Smart: "I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass."

-"Well, the short answer is no. But the long answer would be yes, it has one more letter."
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Only in America:

-Can you walk the streets without getting shot
-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
-Will you be allowed to elect your leaders
-You don't have to put barbed wire around your yard
The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from