Thursday, October 29, 2009

Teenager's and Their Jobs

It seems to me that most teens have a little competition going on: who has the easiest job.  Whenever I talk to people about their jobs, they usually complain about bosses and nasty chores.  When I say, "Hey you should quit and come work at ____JOB____," they have a change of mind.  They say something like "Oh, my job is so easy, I don't do anything.  I just mess around and get paid."  I highly doubt that.  If someone is paying you to do work, they probably want you to be productive and help out the company (unless your dad is a super rich guy who just gives you a job for fun).

But no, all those kids that work at Hy-Vee, they just mess around all day.  They have food fights and enjoy the art of not working.  Suuurrrrreee

I also know a few people whose parents will not let them get a job.  They usually complain, saying "Poo! I want a job!" I almost wish I were one of those people.  Imagine, you workers, being able to go all week without stepping inside that dreaded restaurant/grocery store.  Imagine having free time.  And then imagine the bank account: empty.  If your parents won't let you get a job, they are probably paying for all (or most) of the stuff you buy.  Your parents probably pay for gas and give you something along the lines of $80 a month.

Or maybe your parents are mean, and don't give you anything, and still won't let you work.  That would kinda suck.  What would really suck, however, would be if your parents made your work, and then took the money you made.  This girl I used to work with at Sonic had a situation like this.  Everyday she would ride her bike to Sonic, work, eat at Sonic, then bike home.  Everyday.  (Right now she is a senior).  Why did she work so much and not have a car? You should be able to get a decent car for 300 bucks, right?  Well, that is right, but this girl didn't have 300 bucks.

All the money she made working at Sonic went to paying the rent.  Her mom made her pay 1/2 the rent every month.  Imagine that, your family making you pay part of the mortgage.  This girl HAD to work at Sonic and donate her paycheck to the rent, or she would have been kicked out.

That is sad. A teen, especially a senior, should be enjoying their life. A teen should not be working to support a family. And it's not like she was pregnant or anything, her mom just makes her pay.

I am just grateful I don't have to work my butt off to pay the rent...


  1. I figured you like controversy, so I decided to do a post on one of your topics in this one as I was searching for topic ideas. :)

  2. Are you suggesting that a decent car can be bought with $300?

    I beg to differ.


You got it?

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"Sometimes you're right... sometimes you're wrong"
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-"Well, the short answer is no. But the long answer would be yes, it has one more letter."
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-Can you walk the streets without getting shot
-Will the police respond to your call without corrupt agendas
-Will you be allowed to elect your leaders
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The background for my header (the picture with the Acai tree) is from